Monday, May 07, 2007

Trivia Pur$uit

In Victorian times, Goldilocks (of Goldilocks and the Three Bears) was actually known as Silver Hair. She later became known as Golden Hair and eventually morphed into Goldilocks, as we know her now.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Terrible story that.

Spoilt little sissy girl breaks in to the Bears' house, nicks their porridge, probably spits the bits she doesn't like back into the bowls, breaks most of the furniture and nicks the best bed. AND THEN when they want to ask her why/who/what/when/where/how, she screams at that and leaps out the window, probably smashing up all their plants outside in the process, and just buggers off.

Have you any idea the scars that that must have left on the youngest Bear?

What about their compensation for damages?

DId they ever have the confidence to go out ANYWHERE as a family again???

Terrible. Just terrible.


david mcmahon said...

Hi BTBear,

That comment absolutely made my day!

I agree with you entirely. Love your sense of humour.

