This was just a random shot taken a few days ago. I had my camera in my hand because I had been photographing a variety of flowers. I still hadn't put the lens cap on when I got into the car, so I fired off four frames at random and this was the best of them.
I chose this because the lens of the camera looks so clear and you can actually see a crisp image (in the lens) of what is 180 degrees behind me, with the sky and a couple of trees standing out, even in this low-resolution version of the original.
And because I've shot this straight into my rear-view mirror, you can see that the white writing on my camera lens has been reversed. But you noticed that, didn't you?
This is an interesting shot, because I never actually wear sunglasses when I have a camera in my hand - simply because I want to see the true light conditions exactly as they are. But I generally have my sunnies on when I drive (yes, they are a huge help because of the polarising effect in bad weather) so I must have just put them as I got into the driver's seat.
I'm guessing I must have put the Ray-Bans on and then turned my attention to the camera, to put the lens cap on and put the Pentax into the case. So this is probably a very rare shot - me with a camera in my hand - and taken while I have my sunnies on.
Finally, here's a question for you. I have only ever posted one photograph of myself on my blog where my face is fully visible - which probably makes me a bit like Wilson the faceless neighbour in the hit TV show Home Improvement. There have been a couple of shadow photos, two or three reflection shots, but only one on a blog post where you can see my head and shoulders.
Do you know which post contains the photo?
(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)
There are pros and cons to exposure and in this case the Sigma lens on your camera came out quite nice. Personal pictures are like good handwriting. If you do a magnificent oil painting it would be a sin to scribble a name on it. Notice the masters printed their names so history could recognize a Z from an 8. It is the same with books or magazine and newspaper articles. Nobody that I know uses a false name on the book jacket and the same name to cash their royalty checks. I think you should show your whole self.
Great shot David. Have a good weekend too.
That's an interesting shot. I was trying to work out which I you use at the viewfinder - I think it is your right. I use my left eye with my right shut but I am right handed. *shrug*
Interesting with the sunnies too - I was wondering how you could do that with dark glasses on then your post explained...
I do remember the post with you one it - but not that well because I can't name it. But I am sure it is a 2008 because I have only been blogging this year and I am sure I have seen it...
That was a really good photo! Very different. Yeh, noticed the words being the wrong way round.
Yeah! Its your preview photo! (And its come back on my blog after being missing for days!)
Well you are in the one with the reflection in the window in Lankawi but in sillouette, must have been BTB before the blog. It's as if you are showing yourself piece by piece. You tease.
Nice shot. Keep your eye on the prize.
I suppose it would have to have been a 'from the hip' shot in order to see your face without the camera in the way. I swear I've seen it, but I don't remember which one it was - was it a black and white?
the photo that was taken of you when you were in the Yukon
Oh I DO like that image. Reminds me of one I took in a side mirror when I was much younger and used an old Argus I had. I think I used black & white for that time. Your colors make for lovely interest here. Especially that blue lens.
I'll admit that I have no idea what post you're referring to.
But I will say that I noticed the reversed writing, because I was looking to see what lens you were using.
I seem to have a love affair with lenses.
I don't know, and I've always wondered where you were hiding (I love the Wilson reference). I just assume you still look exactly like your avatar photo and hope when I bump into you one day, you'll be recognizable :-)
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