Today's joint winners are Rune with
Today's Flower Is Frozen; Quilly with
The Co-Worker Compatibility Test and French Fancy with
My Story, By Poppy. The other top contenders were The Wonder Years with
Grateful; Fresh As A Daisy with
Memories Of China; Or So I Thought with
To Pee Or Not To Pee. That Is The Question; Serendipity with
The Abandoned Cake; Fat Frumpy And Fifty with
The Magic Of Old Things; Life Or A Reasonable Facsimile Thereof with
The Roads That Take Us Home; Kat with
You Dissin' Me, Homie?; If Only I Had Superpowers with
Young Love; Sara G with
Tonight's Awesome Sunset; FrogBlog Thaidings with
Giving Birth In Thailand; Woman In A Window with
Goddess As Size 8 and Sandi McBride with
When In Doubt, Blame The Cat.
And if you fancy a great challenge, do check out Jeff B, who is setting new standards with
December Portrait Of Words.
Thank you, David - such praise gives me courage to keep on trying!
You know, after I read Poppy's story I sat here and wept. Man's inhumanity to man is nothing compared to our inhumanity to animals...good choices, yet again.
Okay, now I feel such an idiot! I didn't even realize my name was in here til Lee congratulated me! So, begging pardon for unintentional rudeness, I'm saying thank you again for the consideration...Pye thanks you as well!
Well thanks, David! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm off to read the others!
thank you David, glad you enjoyed it..I must say that all manner of emotions, moods, strife and happiness are among your honoured POTD bloggers... a rich feast indeed!
I'd like to shake your paw, David.
congrats to them all.
David -- thank you for awarding me POTD! I was surprised to find myself at the top of your list -- specially after I started reading my competition. Good stuff. OC must have replayed Sandi's Pepsi Commercial 6 times!
Thank you, David. Thank you so much for considering one of my short stories as worthy of mention. Such a nice way to start the week. Thank you again. BJ
Excellent post, with an unexpected ending.
Thank you for plugging the Portrait of Words writing challenge. It's really been a great deal of fun getting to meet some fantastic bloggers through hosting it. I do hope some of your readers will consider joining us this coming month.
Thanks again David.
I'd like to nominate Jannie Funster's post "Why Do You Blog?"
A day late and a penny short but thanks!
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