Late last August, I was at the tail end of a six-hour hike through Kluane National Park in the Yukon. Despite gathering clouds at the start of our hike, the rain had stayed away, but as the narrow track gave way to a wide pathway, my attention was caught by this huge mud puddle.
Let’s put it this way. It was so big that Bob Beamon, winner of the 1968 Olympic long jump with the amazing world record, would have struggled to get across it in one leap. Okay, so that’s mere hyperbole. Beamon would probably have spanned it easily, but I wouldn’t have cleared it even with a jet pack on my broad back.
The mud puddle caught my eye because I live in drought-stricken Australia. And yes, if you must know (can you please stop twisting my arm behind my back to make me confess) I had the irresistible urge to splash my sturdy boots in it, just as I did when I was a kid.
From three sides of the puddle, the sight was simply muddy. But when I turned my back towards Lake Kathleen and concentrated on the absolute edge, the late-afternoon light and shade through the ancient, tall trees, gave me a wonderful opportunity to capture the reflection of the sky.
And just for the record, this is what the view looked like across the lake.

For other participants in Dot’s concept, go to Sky Watch HQ.
a mud puddle. that's what it is!!! sheeeesh, it took a while for my brain to catch what my eyes were seeing... great shot!
That is just awesome!! At first I thought I was looking at a lake in a huge canyon of some type and just gasped when I realized it was a puddle!!
Well done David!!
that is the prettiest puddle I have ever seen:)
A different kind of mud, but nomination for POtD 9naI made her do the post in English for you
That's a great reflection. Nice composition - you always find an unusual edge.
How's the arm? Hope I didn't twist it too much..!
It took me a minute to figure out the mud puddle photo. Very interesting!
Beauty in everything!
That's beautiful.
I was wondering what that was. Never in a million years would I have guessed it was a mud puddle. Great picture.
I loooove this photo David. I looked for quite awhile before I cheated and read about it. Really great.
What a gorgeous view!
For a photographer it is often more important to look down than up, only this time I looked up...
My weakness, I just love reflections.
Your reflections make most other shots look pale in comparison...I love this one especially!
That's beautiful.
Wow, I kept looking trying to figure out the angle and from where it was taken and oculdnt figure it out...thank goodness for the exlanation. Now I see why there is a comment section on redbubble it is needed!
The 1968 olympics...we were living there..but don't recall the jumper!!
Fantastic photos, David. Unfortunately, my skies did not look like that yesterday.
I was in an F-4 tornado, and (thankfully) survived to blog about it. My vehicle (as you can see from the photos) didn't fare so well. The destruction and damage left behind is absolutely breathtaking and heartbreaking.
Excellent skywatch post as always David.
Have a great week
Regina In Pictures
Oh that first image, puddle reflection, is amazing. Love it.
What amazing beauty - in a mud puddle! Proof that it truly pays to look a bit harder.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Gorgeous sky and amazing shot.
CJ xx
Beauty can be found everywhere. A really special picture. It was fun to see!
Well, what is mud for, other than to paddle in? But the second shot - fresh, clean, beautiful!
Do you know? I thought at first that this was a view of a distant lake from an aircraft! Then I noticed the size of the trees!
Loved the reflections in that puddle. Why do little boys love to jump into puddles?
Many artist see the world in reflected puddles. Thank you for your view. I love the second picture also.
Yes, I must admit you had me perplexed there for a moment (okay, MORE than a moment). I couldn't quite figure out what was up and what was down... which, coming from someone on the other side of the world, kinda makes sense, no? ;)
Great shots, as usual.
Wow. I thought I was impressed by that reflection in the mud puddle and then I saw the view from across the lake. Awesome shots, as usual. :-)
Awesome shot! and I agree with marcia, it's the prettiest puddle I've ever seen! Thanks, as always David, for sharing the beauty!
I couldn't work it out either, just as well you explained! Great idea.
I love the more conventional shot too.
Now that's artistic! Your view was amazing!
Those pictures are gorgeous!
Thanks for passing by.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Greetings from Portugal.
A great reflection shot, but it does so make me wanna jump and splash in the puddle too. Just a big sometimes!
The Puddle looks like a Water Jump.
Incidentally, Bob Beaman did his fantastic jump only once so he may not have cleared it.
The Photos are fantastic.
Wonderful "double take" photo in that 1st shot! :)
That's an awesome photo, David. It has an "other worldly" look to it. I could easily see it with a beautiful poem written across it in a lovely book. Wow! Great eye.
Amazing what you see when you look beyond the surface! You are a true artist with amazing talent to see differently!
Thanks for the view!
It took me awhile to figure out I was looking at a mud puddle with the sky's reflection in it!! :-)
However, that is and awesome shot, as is the one under it ...
Beautiful shot across the lake nd take me a while to figure out the light reflection from the puddle.
I never thought I would be saying this, but that mud puddle of yours is stunningly glorious! (Hyperbole well-deserved). And the accompanying anecdote is pure McMahon flair! Great post!
Hi David
You made a wonderful Postal Card!
Great photo and marvelous landscape!
Great shots both but the reflection shot is my favourite. Have a nice weekend, David.
How did I miss this .. fabulous ..
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