The clock thought now what rhymes with time, At the top of the hour it began to chime, Time was pondering what rhymes with clock, As seconds went by tick tock tick tock.
They spoke in rhyme for the rest of their lives Much to the annoyance of their loving wives But they forgot and spoke to all in verse And found it hard to throw in reverse And speak in normal words and prose As thoughts and conversation arose.
David . . . . . your little diity on Macbeth the other day has got me writing the whole play in verse!!! LOL Will post it when I finish . . .. when I am 90 LOL
long live the rhyme king(s)
The clock thought now what rhymes with time,
At the top of the hour it began to chime,
Time was pondering what rhymes with clock,
As seconds went by tick tock tick tock.
They spoke in rhyme for the rest of their lives
Much to the annoyance of their loving wives
But they forgot and spoke to all in verse
And found it hard to throw in reverse
And speak in normal words and prose
As thoughts and conversation arose.
David . . . . . your little diity on Macbeth the other day has got me writing the whole play in verse!!! LOL Will post it when I finish . . .. when I am 90 LOL
I think you would win such a title, don't you?
Maybe Eddie as a second runner up!
In a hurry today........
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Then they marvelled
At the absolute simplicity
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