Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Verse and worse

Miss Harlequin Bunning
Looked ever so stunning
In a gown of laced pearls
Before emp'rors and earls


aims said...

Hey Sweetie - Can you email me please?

Johnnny said...

Miss Bunny wanted to impress the Duke,
Until she discovered he was a kook,
La Duke whom she so wanted to impress,
Ran off with her dog while wearing her dress.

indicaspecies said...

She danced the night with the king and the earls
With twirls of her dress and toss of her curls
Looting king's treasure by morn' she was running
For Miss Harlequin Bunning was also very cunning

Maggie May said...

I think she'd be chilly in our winter weather
She'd be dressed in thick fur and finest leather!

Perishing today!
Maggie X

Nuts in May