Saturday, June 23, 2007

Trivia Pur$uit

According to strict protocol, the United Kingdom's flag is properly known as the Union Flag. It should only be called the Union Jack when it is flown from the jack mast of a ship.


Anonymous said...

so when someone is said to know Jack Squat, does that only occur on a boat as well?


david mcmahon said...

Hi Steph,

I do enjoy your asides. Yes, I guess it applies to (some) ship's captains.

(On empty vessels)!



DILLY said...


Dilly know bowt flag.

Dilly Gwandad ex-Navy.

Gwandad know bowt ships.

Tell Dilly bowt flags, ships, ships, ships, flags, sea, sea, ships, sea, flags.

Dilly not go see Gwandad much.


david mcmahon said...

Hi Dilly,

I figured you'd know all about the subject. You'd better go and spend a day with that old sea salt Grandad immediately!

