I guess it's not every day that you see roof guttering as unusual as this. I took this shot during an all-too-brief stopover in Singapore in December. I was wandering around Clarke Quay, transfixed by the boats at anchor, the bright colours on the buildings, and the myriad little details that make it such an amazing place. Then I spotted this sight and it stopped me in my tracks.
I know there are quite a few Singapore-based bloggers who visit here. If you can add any information to this post, please feel free to add comment. I would be really grateful. I'm guessing the tiles are glazed terracotta and that the designs would have to be hand-crafted. Do I also assume correctly that this work would date back to the pre-Colonial era? Do let me know ...
Im sure the cat would love to spend the night on these tiles David.lol.
Great shot and well spotted.
David,Do you know why your blog is the only one that I cant click on the back arrow and not take me backto mine?Do you not want me to leave haha.
Checkout my Great day of Memories with lots more to come.
Yep David - I think its a dove.
Those tiles are very attractive. Probably hand made. Very nice.
And yes, one day to go.... but it's not me having the baby, it's my first grandchild who is on the way. Check back in a few days, I'll propably be posting pics ad nauseam!!!
There should always be beauty, even in the smallest details. Here in the west too often everything is so mundane & functional.
My husband builds so I love to look at buildings~but I think those are beautiful gutters. I imagine a lot of hard work and pride go into making those.
I love those tiles, they are beautiful and so unique.
Those glazed tiles are gorgeous. Sort of puts the "wow" back into a building!
Fascinating! I love the detail of something so funcional, yet so beautiful!
I don't have any input on the facts, David, but not gonna lie, I could seriously wear this as a skirt or something. It's that pretty!
Those are lovely, David. My mind was playing tricks on me for a while with the image. I had to look twice to see the flower in the center of the circles. Till I recognized the flower image I had thought they looked like the backside of a revolver cylinder. Amazing how our eyes will play tricks on us. I also imagined for a brief moment that the sections of pipe looked like recycled cans. I was coming up with all kinds of images. :)
That is just exquisite .. your photos always make me go AHHHHHHH .. and I am glad you approve of being the 'den mother' I meant it in the nicest possible way :)
Another interesting photo David...ya gotta wonder where folks come up with art like this....for a drain tile no less?
"Get Your Mind Out Of The Gutter"
Awwwwwwwwwwwww... Must I???? Especially with all of 'them,' lined up there. >,-)))))))
Wow, I'd like to live somewhere where even the gutters are pretty!
Those are gorgeous!
That green glazing is sumptuous! Oh if I had an unrestricted housing budget. Thanks for the peek at what can be done beautifully while performing an important task.
This is cool. Not sure of the history behind this though. David do you travel a lot? It seems like you do.
Amazing craftsmanship and a great photo.
Just beautiful. I am so used to things over here in the northwest needing to be so weather resistant. My first reaction is to cringe at this beautiful work being ruined. But then I remember that most of the world receives sunlight on a regular basis.
There is so much detail there. You have a good eye!
Hi David, those tiles looked too new to be colonial era or they could be retiled, I cant tell unless I see the whole building. I hope you enjoy your brief stay in Singapore.
lovely fro sure- glad your eyes go there!!
Lovely photo as usual David :)
I've a 'thank you' award for you over on my blog - it's up to you whether you'd like to pass it on...
Those tiles are really gorgeous, I love the details that used to get added to buildings - some of the carved stonework around is also stunning and difficult to photograph. You have done a really nice job of keeping the photo interesting while recording something so pretty.
Beautiful! No wonder you stopped in your tracks!
Very unique oriental style.
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