Today's gold trophy goes to Cicero Sings with the post
Sitting Out. The other posts that caught my attention were Just Joni with
Beautiful Day; Bubba’s Sis with
Cell Phone Soap Opera; Kimberly's
Ups and Downs; Kathryn with
Big Mama; Katney's Kaboodle with
Not Your Ordinary Wrecking Yard; Fat Hairy Bastard with
Had a Great Weekend; Mushy with
Another Day I Almost Died; Gawdess with
Caged Heart and Kimmy with
Party Like a Rock Star. Do visit them and leave a comment if you can.
Good morning, David. The post titles and the names of the bloggers suggest vitality and color and variety. Your list is a fun read in itself! Thanks for finding them!
Thanx for the shout-out, David! A soap opera it is, indeed! Have a great day!
Thanks for the mention David, and I want to eat with FHB and party with Kimmy!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I will add you to my read list as I like the content of your blog.
Thank you for all of your support, David! And thanks for the link! I loved all of the posts, especially the Beautiful Day post. :)
Thanks so much for the "post of the day" award! It is great to get comments from so many new people! Who knew that the life of a SAHM could be so interesting!
Have a great day!
I enjoyed reading your posts here..so versatile! Thank you!
Thanks David! Now that, is an "Up"!
Thanks for visiting my blog and a special thanks for a gold trophy! I've never had so many visits (outside of my regulars)! Mostly family visit my blog. I found your blog through The Cariboo Ponderer ... and now I see Kimberly, who lives in the same neck of the woods that I do ... visits your blog too!
NAMASTE, Sir David! Yet another trove of riches you serve up on your platter of generous delights. I thank you, kind sir, for bringing warmth and illumination into this...my little world.
Thanks for visiting yet again and commenting. That picture of the blue sky was taken with a little Pentax Optio S4 pocket camera ... no polarizer ... just our blue, unpolluted sky! I would like a better camera and have been dithering for ages over the matter. I still want a pocket camera so am looking at the Canon G9 or the Lumix FZ 18 ... 18x zoom ... for catching those critters ... even though it is bulkier than the Canon. Sigma is coming out with an interesting camera in March. Oh well, time will tell.
I absolutely LOVE Bubba's Sis (she has become one of my best blogging buddies) and the Cell Phone Soap Opera was wildly entertaining!
Thanks so much for suggesting my post!
I enjoy reading your blog very much and seeing your pictures.
I want all of you to show up and get some shrimp. It would be too cool.
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