Monday, October 13, 2008

Love Me, Love My Dog

Odds Are, This Is A Case Of Puppy Love

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Sometimes a photograph says it all. I took this at Moose Creek in the Yukon in late August, while we were driving from Fox Creek to Dawson City. I spent about fifteen minutes walking around and taking photographs of a variety of subjects, including an old trapper's cottage.

Then, as I was walking back to the car, I saw this tongue-in-cheek sign. The interesting thing about the Canadian sense of humour is that it has the same distinctly laconic tone as Australian humour. I'm sure the two nations are related in more ways than one.

As for the dog who gets a mention on this signpost - at least he's got a woof over his head.

(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)


Maggie May said...

Very odd!

Anonymous said...

First again. 3dogs and no cats, that figures.

Go to bed, David.

Am off to read A for Alzhiemers
Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Me again. I found the post, David and it choked me up. With my mother it was different, her brain stayed, bright and active almost to the end, when pheumonia took her from a very large lady [cortisone] to a frail bundle I could have picked up. Was it worse, or better? She could see and converse with her family, but she could only hold us if we placed her arms around us, and she knew, as the paralysis crept higher and higher the number of her days.

Thankyou for pointing me in the right was a very moving post, and how wonderful that she had that moment of lucidity.

Rhea said...

Woof over its head. lol

Funny sign. Definitely an odd shot!

Cath said...

That is so good. I agree about the sense of humour. When I saw your odd shot I thought "Here's another out-of-the-way Australian town" and how wrong I was. It is something I would expect to see in Australia.
(Not that I've been, but you know what I mean!)

Great shot. Well spotted.

Saz said...

Great shot..I would love to participate in ODD shots..but havent yet caught a suitable image, i think l'm trying too hard. shots...but then I can be quite trying....
I am enjoying participating on 'picture this' ABC and sky watch /photo story fridays..well but dry at the mo..

Neva said...

I guess that an odd shot is just that! and odd shot and this is a very good one......

Merisi said...

Woofn't this sweet? ;-)

Millennium Housewife said...

Groan! Although I may make use of the same pun at some point, will I need to pay royalties? MH

Anonymous said...

This type of humor is typical of our Great Northwest. I lived in a little town that put up a billboard every hunting season: "Would the last person out of town please turn off the street light?"

Speaking of (high)lights -- come see what I am up to!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Very cute in the witty sense. Sometimes an image just presents to you and screams snap me. Canadian hummour isn't something I'd actually thought about, I just know they are so polite.

Corey~living and loving said...

love this. :) cute sign. :) thanks for sharing it David.

ohhhhhh and Sugar and I would love to hear about your neighbor and the cobra WHEN we meet. :)

Unknown said...

Definitely an odd shot. LOL

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

David: What a neat capture.

Diane said...

I like how they have "changable" numbers attached!

Rose said...

Thanks for making me laugh out loud!

Time for me to go to bed happily now.