Today's joint winners are two good friends and soul mates - Celebration Of Life with
The Price Of Value and San Merideth with
Letter To My 13-Year-Old Self. The other top contenders were Arne with
Gardening - Make Plans For This Season; Merisi with
Soaking Up Sun; An Aerial Armadillo with
Illustration Friday - Flawed; Patricia with
Furry; Castle Ruins with
Deja Vu 5; Susu Petal with
Curious and Sandy Carlson with
A Perfect Essay. Do pay them a visit and leave a comment if you have time.
You can nominate a post too. Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....
Good morning from Vienna!
Can Monday have a better start than the honour of being on your list of lists? Thank you, David! Would you care for another donut, perchance? ;-)
Today top score:
if you go behind the first post
I really enjoyed the Grand Tour through your selections. Thank you for the great start into the new week!
Thanks, David.
I have read San's letter. An amazing piece. And Merisi's photos....I wish I could eat them. They are so wonderful.
Thank you, David. I found out you'd acknowledged my post when some people came over and congratulated me. And how lovely to be acknowledged with Jo. I am off to email her...then I'll be back here.
Chuck's Mawmaw got in!!!
Your word veri thing says 'turin'
Thank you David once again. I don't know if San and I are "soul mates" or not but we are definitely "Kindered Spirits". :o)
As alway, I am honored!
I think you'll like this post:
David, I hope you are safe with those bushfires! Take care!
May I please nominate today's post by Moannie - Annie at The View from this End http://theviewfromthisend.blogspot.com/
Many thanks!
Thanks, so much, David, for the acknowledgment and compliment! I've lurked your blog often, first noticed from Katney's Odd Shots... your badge design for that was perfect.
Oh, this was a surprise! Helsinki sends greetings and thanks!
David, I nominate Bradley's post today......Twist of Fate at The Egel Nest.
Hope all is well with you!
I've just finished reading (some reread) and couldn't agree more with your assessment! But I want one of those doughnuts filled with Apricot jam from Marisi's site...I bribed her with Bear Claws...think she'll take the bait? Great choices as usual David. Please keep safe!
great posts as always
What an honor! Thank you! You made my day!
David, I'm honoured. Thank you so much.
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