Today's joint winners are Millennium Housewife with
Cutting The Ties That Bind and Hilary Samsa with
Cullen And Me. The other top contenders were House Of Lime with
Growth; Casdok with
Shrek Rap – The Single, Brought To Life; Nappy Valley with
Come On Into The Library; SA Photographs with
Daisies; The Muse with
Guess What Is Coming Home With Me; Just Another Ironic Coincidence with
No, I Don’t Like It; Shrinky with
Drowned in Cream And Far Too Much Butter ….. Do pay them a visit and leave a comment if you have time.
You can nominate a post too. Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....
Why thank you Kind Sir, you are a scholar and a gentleman, that you are! (Big, wide cheesy grin.)
I thought I would take you up on your suggestion that I post pictures of doors on my blog. I started with my first door today, and mentioned you with a link to your blog. Thank-you! I also like your blog and the variety you offer....kind of like life.
Hi ~ Wonderful choices! I did have to clean my computer screen after reading 'Cutting the Ties that Bind' and my coffee sprayed everywhere! Ah, life!
David you are much too kind. I don't know what you see in my posts sometimes but thank you dear. :)
Can't wait to read the rest...
I'm learning to just come in here and read before going to my blog role and continuing the catch up...well done today, again...color me not surprised!
David thankyou what an honour MH
Thanks David - I'm very grateful!
Thank you most kindly David. This is a lovely thing to happen to me and I appreciate it very much. :)
thanks very much, david. i appreciate the kind words.
David--how sweet of you to mention me. Thank you so much. It's such a sensitive topic, I was nervous about writing it.
Take care.
"cutting the tie that binds" was really funny!
need to read the others now...
Thank you! Am really happy that you liked it!
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