Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON (Image ID: 132-8552)
Let me start by saying the cutting remark was not made by me. It was made by one of our neighbours, when we happened to meet at a recent wedding. And no, the cutting remark was not made in a mean-spirited way. All she wanted was a rose (you guessed it) cutting.
She explained that she drives past Casa Authorblog every morning and throughout spring and summer she really enjoys the sight of the sea of roses that adorn the western perimeter of our property. They are a variety of colours, with traditional bushes mixed with climbing roses - and our neighbour says they bring her joy every morning as she goes to work.
And then she made me promise that the next time I prune the roses, I will give her a selection of cuttings for her own garden. Gotta love those "cutting" remarks, right?
OK, so she's started with your roses. What next?
Your roses are a cut above the rest obviously.
Thats the kind of cutting remark that I love!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
magnificent brilliant colors - i can only imagine the vista beheld in person!
A neighbor gave me a cutting of her heritage rose bush one year. She's passed away now, but I will always remember her every time I see it in bloom.
That's quite a compliment to ask you to share your cuttings so that she might be able to enjoy lovely roses of her own some day.
The best blooms come from cuttings I've cadged! ;)
you must be enjoying the cutting remark... lovely flower :D
You have such a remarkable garden, its no wonder she asked.
what a gorgeous the blend of colors in it...
Easy enough to accommodate!
Ah, you had me there! I'd drop the same remark if I could too.
How lucky for us that your gardens are blooming now-you can give us a colour feast when we are starving.
Did she call you petal? LOL
Seriously loved the rose photo and there is something special about roses - obviously she thought so too.
I'm with Lakeviewer!
We have a red rose in our garden that belonged to the lovely lady who lived next door. After she died, her daughter got the front driveway paved, and I spotted the rose bush going in a skip, so asked if I could have it.
Every time it blooms, I think of Judy, and when I cut the flowers, I sometimes give some to her daughter.
Oh David, I've so missed you and your awful puns (giggle). Am I right in thinking this rosebush was originally planted in your mother's honour?
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