Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wonder why he looks so familiar

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON (Image ID:122-4401)

With these strong colours, you might think this was shot on Caribbean soil, but it wasn't. I was striding down Flinders Street in central Melbourne on a Friday afternoon in January this year when I noticed this vivid evocation of Steve Wonder.

It wasn't the only one on the wall of a store that opened up onto the busy street. There were many famous musicians depicted in an amazing mural. I was in a hurry that afternoon, so I only shot two or three frames, but I reckon it's high time I went back there to find out who painted these great images.


imac said...

Nice piece of Art there David.

ellen abbott said...

Oh! Stevie.

Anonymous said...

I just had to visit after that display you put on over in Birmingham. I should have known you were an Aussie.

Johnnny said...

I have always wondered how wonderful it might be to visit Stevie Wonder at his home Wonderland. I just started a new caption contest.

Eddie Bluelights said...

Brilliant artwork and photo, David.
Should think well worth another visit.

Maggie May said...

It is a great piece of work in a very definite style.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Jules~ said...

I agree with everyone else. It is a nice piece of work. It seems to me that his smile jumps out and works his Stevie Wonder magic on the viewer.

Rosaria Williams said...

Nice! Same smile, same attitude, only HOTTER!

Happy Frog and I said...

Recognised him straight away. What a great piece of art. I finally managed to see him play live last year. It was a completely amazing gig. No support act and he played for over two and a half hours. Incredible!

Shrinky said...

Very Striking, David - well spotted!

CiCi said...

As soon as I saw the picture I thought yeah, Stevie. I am a bigger fan of Stevie Wonder than I ever was of Michael Jackson.

Shadow said...

...remind me of andy warhol.