Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hog Heaven

Classical Music For Some Male Chauvinist Pigs

A Vietnamese pig farmer says he has found a novel way to boost productivity, by exposing his 3000 hogs to the melodies of Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert while they have their snouts in the trough. Nguyen Chi Cong, 44, said he started playing recordings of classical symphonies and sonatas over loudspeakers six years ago for the benefit of his workers - only to find the music also had a soothing effect on the pigs. ``I saw that my pigs started eating more and that they were gaining weight faster than usual,'' he said.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. The converse may be true as well - bad rap music can make a pig lose weight. My wife who calls me an MCP may try it to control my "hogging" habit. -Sandip Madan

david mcmahon said...

Hi Anita,
I cannot imagine for one minute that you would actually call that noble human (Sandip, of course) an MCP. He's no pig - even if he does bring home the bacon!
Keep smiling.