I'd never seen dogs sitting in the front seat of vehicles until I went to the Yukon. This shot was taken as I rushed down the boardwalk of the main street in Dawson City.
We were about to cross the Yukon River, drive out of Dawson and loop around on the Top Of The World Highway through Alaska and back down into Canada, so time was tight. But when I saw this vehicle angle-parked a few metres in front of me, I just had to stop for a few seconds.
Not just to get the shot, but because the right-hand seat, to us Aussie drivers, is where the driver sits.
Check out the rules at Camera Critters or go to Misty Dawn.
It's his seat! Just as it should be! ;)
Dogs in the front seat are so common here that nobody gives it a second look. We even have dog seats to secure the little dogs in case of an accident and to keep them from jumping around the vehicle.
It is against the law to have your dog on your lap with its head out the window...but you see it all the time. Dogs hanging out of windows with their tongues out loving the ride - an every day sight.
The other day I saw 2 dogs in a car waiting for their master. The one was in the driver's seat and barely paid any attention to me so intent he was on seeing his owner. The other had on what we call a 'wife beater'. So a man's sleeveless undershirt or t-shirt. That sight surprised me!
As for who drives where...that is strange isn't it?
LOL..cute David...
As aims says, it's a common sight here. I remember how I had to train my boxer Star to get in the back, though. Every time I'd get out of the car she'd hop into the driver's seat. I preferred my dogs to be in the back seat in case of an accident - I didn't want them going through the windshield. So where do your dogs sit?
Ah yes, David...my Digby always rode with me...in England of course she occupied the right seat...literally, lol...it was hard for her to adjust to sitting in the correct seat when we moved home...I always suspected in her heart of hearts she wanted to drive! Great shot, the pup looks quite happy.
Once on the street outside the gallery a very large dog was sitting behind the wheel of a parked minivan. Yes, it drew some looks. And probably some photographs.
He sure looks like he's waiting patiently for his driver!
Here in the country we see it a lot - man takes his best friend everywhere.
great observation- i like his complacent look as if would you please hurry?hahaah
Our dog looks forward to 'dump day' every Saturday when my husband goes to our town recycling center. She knows when he is getting ready and she paces around. I love watching them drive away - she sits in the front of the truck in 'my' seat, looking very important and proud. Too funny.
Was he buckled in too :)
I played too :)
Where was his seat belt?
He looks bored, poor guy.
:) Terri
Right hand drive for us too of course! The RIGHT way to drive!
That would make me double take too.
I got my only butterflies up this week. Not brill, but all I got!
He's thinking,"This is MY seat!"
I am groaning under the weight of this pun. There used to be a blog dog in cars wiith images ofliterally dogs looking out of car windows. I need to look for that again. Very cute, along with the pun.
LOL! So cute! It does look like the dog is driving! Great shot!
My have always ridden in the passenger seat. They think they are people.
I nearly crashed in the UK once when I saw an old English sheepdog in the drivers seat. Turned out it was a left hand drive car! Great photo. Have a good Sunday. Debs x
There you go...done it again. Most of us would have noticed, smiled, and passed by, but you, with your camera permanantly attached, took the shot, and viola!
I think you should be examined for the 'punny' gene.
What a cutie. We drive on the right hand side, too. I can see why you did a doubletake.
Was he in the barking lot?
I only pay special attention when they are driving. Pappy
Hi vid, off post I know, but I would like to nominate Moannie for post of the day.
I am still wiping the tears away. Debs x
My parents' dog does this, too. He has no idea there is a difference between dog and human except that we have funny looking fur, maybe.
How cute. This reminds me of my brother's dog. He has a big golden retriever that is always in the car. They even leave the car running when they go into the stores so that she has air.
When we lived in Okinawa we drove on the other side like that. It sure took a while for me to get used to it all. You know...get in to drive nad find yourself staring at the glovebox. Or hit the turn signal and watch the windshield wipers go instead.
Of course, once we adjusted, it was even more difficult to get used to USA driving when we would go back on furlough.
My little dachshund's favorite seat is not the front passenger's, but the driver's seat! Each and every time, he gives me a really dark look, before he finally decides to slowly step over and ride shotgun.
but was he wearing his seat belt? hehe! cute!
David: Neat capture for you CC post.
I forgot about you guys sitting in the 'other' seat to drive. hehehe
This is so cute. Tag is used to riding in the vehicle and he immediately lays on the floor board when you get out of the car. My Molly, on the other hand, always ends up locking me out when she hits the lock button. hehe
So normal around here - he looks pretty comfy!
What a great photo of mans best friend! Always at our side watching out for us! Great Post!!
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