We get a lot of blue skies during our winters here in Australia - and just to prove it, here are a couple of shots I took two Fridays ago. Let me put it all in context for you, however. The coldest nights produce the clearest days. No you don't have to be Einstein to work that out. Let me explain.
A clear sky at night will produce the lowest temperatures, because there is no breeze or cloud cover to keep the land (or land-based objects) warm. So on mornings when my car is covered in a thick layer of ice that even makes the doors difficult to open, I know that the sky is going to be blue for most of the day.
So last Friday, while most of you were enjoying your balmy temperatures, I was de-icing my car and planning what sky shots I was going to take later in the day. And in case you're wondering about the shot below, I haven't flipped my lid. It really does depict the sky - reflected in the chrome exhaust pipe of a motorbike.

For other participants in Dot’s concept, go to Sky Watch HQ.
Beautiful Blue!
True, but incomplete...
A colder medium (in this case the atmosphere) can't suspend as much solute (in this case water vapor) as a warm one can. Without water vapor, you can't make clouds. Without clouds you have greater radiational cooling (which is true day or night, but it's more noticeable at night since there's not a heat source present to counteract the cooling). And the cycle continues until prevailing weather patterns shift winds to a direction that brings in warmer air.
There are other factors involved too, elevation being a key one. But when you're looking at a crystal blue sky like this none of that really matters much.
Love the reflection in the tailpipe. (And a meticulously polished tailpipe it is too!) And as my recent visitors can attest, I have a fascination with cranes too. So this post is a double shot of goodness for me!
Nay bad for a winter sky David.
Beautiful photos. I love the reflected sky on chrome.
David - I tried to join your blog as follower and it has errored twice now... is there a problem or is it an invite only membership? I'll try again tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know.
awesome skies in your part of the world...i wish we had cooler temps here. i am so over the 80s/90s we had off/on for weeks now.
have a wonderful weekend.
Phenomenally blue skies, David.
And apparently you selected a post of mine to include in your POTD several days ago. Apologies for just now getting by to acknowledge that. I've been playing catch-up since getting back home, grinding away at the easel, out of practice.
Thank you very much for encouraging your fellow bloggers and for helping us all to connect with each other. We're all under the same sky after all, even though it looks a bit different to each of us, depending on our latitude.
love the reflection in the muffler. nice capture!
Chipping ice off your car is such a hard one to envision in Australia. We know you have winter there - we just never thinks it gets that cold.
We had frost here last night David. No warm weather for us!
I'm glad of our temperatures at the moment! Just hoping they will last for at least two months!
CJ xx
This is the closest I've been to a blue sky in awhile...tons of rain here in New England. Beautiful, pics. Thank you.
De-icying you car! Oy!
However or wherever the blue skies are seen, they're always fantastic in your shots! Have a great weekend!
beautiful blue skies even in winter. so tell me isn't really COLD is it?
I love this blue sky & sometimes ours is the same. Not in winter though!
Still sizzling here.
Gosh I wish our Winter skies looked like this!! We're luck if the Summer ones do!
Sometimes I forget that the seasons are different for you than for those of us on this side of the world.
One December, I was in Australia for three weeks. Weatherwise, it was the strangest December ever for me!
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot
Beautiful sky and the crane's shape looks like it could almost work as a y for ABC wed.
that is a gorgeous shot.
But, if I were to have ice on MY windshield in the morning, I might cry.
So beautiful and blue!
Love the post title. ;)
We are sweltering in unusually hot weather here, and a friend today said that she didn't mind the heat when she was in Oz last year because it was normal - whereas she minds it a lot here. Totally illogical, but it makes perfect sense.
It would be nice if we could have skies that blue in summer, never mind the winter. Although it has been warm/hot here, we still have had an awful lot of grey skies.
Great shots. When the sky is that blue, is so pretty, but a little boring unless you "plan your shots." Terrific that you were thinking of that as you scraped ice.
I wish it was that blue in SA. Wet, cold & windy here.
That reflection shot is brilliant!
Beautiul. We are having a run of beautiful blue winter skies in Sydney too.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Neat shots, that does look like a cold sky reflected in that pipe!
Beautiful winter sky! :-)
Good one David.
i know those blue skies... cold!
Another wonderful photo. Hard to realize that is is a winter sky.
As I scrolled down to read, my eyes dropped to the motorbike, and I thought, Yes. Pure genius. Wonderful photos.
I am working on the concepts of Ice and Australia an realizing I have a lot to learn.
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