Who's Yo Daddy?
A chimpanzee at a Louisiana sanctuary has given birth - despite the fact that every male chimp at the facility has had a vasectomy! According to
phillyburbs.com, managers at Chimp Haven plan a paternity test for the seven males who lived with Teresa, a wild-born chimpanzee in her late 40s. Workers have started collecting hair samples from the chimps for testing. Once they identify the father, it's back to the operating room for him!
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I don't want to be indelicate, but in the spirit of inquiry, I suggest that ALL primates with access have their hair and DNA tested.
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Glad you like the blog. I do have a bit of fun putting it together - and I hope it shows.
Hope you visit the blog regularly, as I update it at least two or three times a day.
In reply to your suggestion, I'm sure the day will come when all primapes - sorry, primates - do the test.
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