Saturday, August 25, 2007

Blank Check

The Answer Is Revealed: My Middle Name Is ....

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Yesterday I posted Malcolm In The Muddle in response to a tag, and asked you, my readers, to guess my middle name. Thank you for all the great responses, some of them absolutely hilarious. I'd be hard-pressed to choose a favourite, but the irrepressible Chewy gave it her best shot, using a very ingenious method (through a blog other than my own) to try and elicit an answer, while she fessed up: ``Actually my first thought was that you didn't have a middle name. BUT, I didn't think you'd play that game. You got me! And I Googled your name all over the net! Ha-ha!''

And the answer is: I do not have a middle name!

Which kinda reminds me of a story I read when I was a kid. There was a bloke who had no name, just initials. He was R. B. Jones. He used to get exasperated by people who asked what his "real name" was. So one year, he submitted a tax declaration and signed it "R. (only) B. (only) Jones". Sure, he got a tax refund. But it was made it to Ronly Bonly Jones.


Alex L said...

Oh thats just cheating... I still thinks its Winston though, and no one can tell me otherwise.

Akelamalu said...

Ah a trick question then? Naughty!

Anonymous said...

My cousin, who I am named after, did not have a middle name. My folks gave me one and as much as I disliked my real name when I was growing up, I never had the courage to take on my middle name as my first name. So I am stuck with Abraham Lincoln.

Thanks too for your visit to my blog and for your comment there. Yes, I am into journalism but limited to newspapers in photography and articles.

I used to do a lot more in magazine and book work but my contacts kept getting older and retiring and I just gave up on trying to keep abreast of things. Now, I just blog, take photos and write new books.

Cuckoo said...

Ha Ha... that was a cheeky one !!

la bellina mammina said...

Came over from Ciara. You're the second person I know withut a middle name!

david mcmahon said...

Forgive me, Your Eminence,

I shall present myself at the front door of the bendigo Vatican for you to christen me with the middle name Winston!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day Akelamalu,

Not many trick questions on this site! So do forgive me this one.

Keep smiling

David (Winston - see above) McMahon

david mcmahon said...

G'day Abraham,

There can be no finer name than yours, Biblically or historically.

And I think your work is exceptional. I have a lot to learn from you.

Do keep in touch - please.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Cuckoo,

Cheeky? Hmmmm, maybe that's my middle name!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...


How nice of you to visit, and I'm glad you have something to remember me by now!

Visited your site as well and left a comment.

Do keep in touch

Keep smiling


dot said...

You pulled a sneaky!

Anonymous said...

In my genealogy hunt for ancestors I've used Google and Yahoo extensively. In my search for a middle name I even found phone listings for Melbourne and finally your brother's blog, then I thought, "A-ha, got ya!" - NOT! That was a fun challenge.

Victorya said...

sneaky sneaky!

No middle name is good though, lol, we have something in common!

Actually, I've also met people with just initials for middle names.

Good one :) said...

Photoshop out the poles and you have the makings of a nice UFO shot!

FHB said...

Really, I was thinkin' "UFO?" But then got a closer look. Yep, I have a middle name. Fits perfectly in with everything I ever told you guys about how well my folks looked out for me. Set me up with something certain to get me laughed at and beat up.

bcmomtoo said...

I'm sticking with Fitzgerald! I tried Googling you, same as Chewy, but didn't find anything helpful. Of course, I didn't stick with it all that long. Good thing, seeing as there was nothing to find. Middle name-wise, that is.

I guess having no middle name means you get to choose your own if you ever want.

Unknown said...

Ronly the crap out of Current Resident....

Anonymous said...
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