Sunday, August 19, 2007

Weekend Wandering

Dump And Dumper

Here's some weekend fun for us to share. Every weekend, starting today, I'm going to ask you one simple question. Answer the question on your own blog, any time until Friday. Please link to this blog (or to this post) just so I can follow the progress of the notion. And the question is:

What would you like to say to the girlfriend or boyfriend who first dumped you?


Annie said...


simon said...

I wold have liked to have said at the time:- "ok.. no worries"

Today i would like to say hello ( curious) said...

Well, okay then!

FHB said...

Ok, I'll play.

Chertiozhnik said...

That set me off down branches of memory lane I'd mercifully forgotten!

Kevin said...

Wow. That sent me back. Yeah, I bit on that one, linked you...

david mcmahon said...

Hi Annie,

Love that reply!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Simon,

Fair assessment.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Mushy,

Loved your response - and left a comment as well. You are a very clever man with a gift for communicating.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day FHB,

Wonderful. Looking forward to it.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Chertmeister,

I'm a big fan of your uniqie style, so I'm glad I jogged your memory.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi kevin,

Read your post and left a comment. Your narration says so much about your generosity and thoughtfulness.

Keep smiling


RUTH said...

Sounds an interesting idea as long as your questions don't get TOO personal...LOL Will make a note to post my answer before Friday.

Papoosue said...

Thanks - lucky escape there.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Ruth,

No, I'd never ask a searching personal question - promise!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Papoosue,

Sounds intriguing!

Keep smiling


Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

I'm game for that one!

david mcmahon said...

Hi Carol,

Thanks for being a good sport. Hope all of you are having a relaxing weekend.

Keep smiling


skinnylittleblonde said...

Lol...I love Annie's comment.
And...I love your communal spirit.

I don't know why, I have been cheated on by boys,as a youth, and men, as an adult, but I have never been dumped. If any one of these fellows had dumped me instead of cheating, I'd like to think my response would be as simple as Annies' comment.

david mcmahon said...


I think Annie said in six letters what most of us would take thousands of words to express.

``Communal spirit''? I've never thought of it that way, but thank you for that very kind and generous acknowledgement.

Keep smiling


Chertiozhnik said...

Hi David, just out of interest (nerd or geek?) how are you tracking our page links?

Technorati, Blogger etc seem to give oddly incomplete results. Google is hopeless.

I wondered if you had a secret surefire method.

mrsnesbitt said...

I am just having a good think!
casting my mind back.......

oh yes!
Steven Jackson!

*Goddess* said...

I've never been dumped, so I have nothing to say;)

david mcmahon said...

Hi Chertmeister,

No secret method. I just track 'em on Technorati. They're normally very good - can't complain.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Denise,

Loved your post on Steven Jackson, the McCartney lookalike.

Anyone who gave away a Matchbox car MUST have been in love!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Goddess,

I knew no one would ever have been daft enough to dump you.

Very lucky!

Keep smiling


Lin said...

David, unfortunately my blog is doggedly dedicated to journal form at the moment so this response is simply for your own personal amusement:

I worked at one time for a man who was in the Guinness World Book of Records for motor sport racing. He approached me with the idea of adding me to his stable of lovers, much like some people are addicted to 'day of the week' underwear. When I politely declined, he very nonchalantly and matter-of-factly replied "Oh well ... got along before you ..." just like that old '60s song line.

I didn't want to offend him further by laughing out loud but I found this revelation and mindset stunningly pragmatic for ego survival and it helped immensely in my own challenging romantic and other life situations thereafter.

Anonymous said...

Hi David,

I thought not to write about this topic as I don’t have the courage to make it public, but finally I decided to write as an anonymous user, hope this is ok with you. Well you can guess who I am!

First of all I must thank my fiancé to leave me for many reasons. That was my first love and I understood the meaning of Love after I have been dumped. I realized the depth of the relation, the importance of her in my life once she left me, which is why I felt the excruciating agony. I thank her for making me feel these unexplained emotions.

What I would like to say to her is I still feel your emotions, still cherish the time we spent together for years and respect your decisions. But for sure you don’t deserve me, as she has never able to understand my feeling. I realized your importance, but its an irreparable loss to you as well. God bless you and have a nice future family life, be happy; otherwise I will never be happy (as to me the only positive part of our separation is you to be happy).


Akelamalu said...

Popped over from Ruth's to play. I'll post mine up tomorrow. :)

~**Dawn**~ said...

I played along! =)

Jo Beaufoix said...

Visiting from Akelamalu
Sounds fun.
I'll post mine tomorrow too.

Pam said...

he was the first and the ONLY person to ever hit me, so i have nothing really to say to him. tho i guess he did help me to know what to stay away from lol

la bellina mammina said...

Visiting from Akela...sounds like fun.

I'd probably say "What was I thinking!"

Anonymous said...
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