Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ones, Twos And Freeze

Cold Comfort For A Country Girl

Late last week, Country Girl City Living had a pithy post called Things I Think About On Our Morning Walk. Right up the top of the things she thinks about is a very practical problem. I quote: ``How can I freeze that five-pound bag of zucchini so I can have fresh (local) vegetables this winter?’’

Ah, let me tell you, Country Girl, that you have brought your problem to the right department. I’ve got the perfect solution for you. Move to Australia just before your winter starts. It’ll be summer here, because our seasons are topsy-turvy (but not our brains) so you won’t have to freeze that zucchini. And you can join us for a Chrissie barbie (that’s Aussie-speak for Christmas barbecue).


My Unfinished Life said...

your blog is very informative...

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

I had a Christmas barbie on Bondi beach once (it also happens to be my birthday on the 25th). It felt surreal being surrounded by bathers in December!

b. said...

I had a chrissi Barbie once..... you pulled a string and her red hair grew.
ps. and I'm a city girl living a country life.

Brian in Oxford said...

wouldn't she have to pack all her vegetables in her suitcases, though?

Lindsay Blau Portnoy said...

Hello David.

You are too much! We actually have a friend moving to Sydney in a few months so a visit may be in order. But an extended stay would be even more lovely...

Who could I con into teaching my classes and finishing up my phd for me? Any thoughts?

Also, I'm leaving on an almost 2-week (maybe even blog free) trip on Thursday. Whats a new blogger to do?

Berni said...

Good idea, I'll move to Australia, to escape this weather here. I don't think you can freeze zucchini anyway.

I actually considered emigrating to Aus. when I was there but since I had to return to country of origin to do so it got put on a back burner.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Shooting Star,

Thank you. I like to have a bit of fun ...

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Carol,

(Dawns on him, slowly, like) Ah, hence the name Carol.

How about a post about Bondi ....

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi B,

You always make me smile, especially when you call me Davy Mac. You made me chuckle at the comment.

I'm a city boy, but I wouldn't mind living the hayseed lifestyle.

Keep smiling

David, er, Davy Mac

david mcmahon said...

Hi Brian,

Not a chance, mate. She can pack 'em. But out strict Customs and quarantine regulations mean she would have to din them on arrival here.

Let's switch to Plan B ....

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day CLCG,

Let's swap. You produce this newspaper and I'll teach your classes and do your PhD.

I'll even write your blog while you;re on holiday! Have a great trip. Do let me know as soon as you;re back.....

Don;t you forget now!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day Vic,

Fascinated to hear that. I'll confer honorary Aussie status on you, though ....

But you know my theory - Canadian are just Aussie with different accents!

Keep smiling
