Thursday, August 16, 2007

Great Bare

Down Under, We Have Upside-Down Trees

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Okay, just kidding. We don’t really have upside-down trees. But a couple of weeks ago I caught sight of this pale winter dusk and a bare plane tree, reflected in this car bonnet (or hood, depending on where you live). The photograph below is taken in exactly the same spot, in the Australian autumn a few months ago, while the tree still had about half its leaves. Interesting difference between the two shots, don’t you think?


Anonymous said...

i love these 'spot-the-difference' kind of snaps.
how did you manage to park the car exactly in the same place?
keep clicking

none said...

Shiny car, I thought it was a still pond.

david mcmahon said...

Hi RK,

Glad you liked the idea. We don;t always park our cars in the garage, so it is quite often parked just outside the roller door!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day Hammer,

Pond? It's actually a Ponda, er, sorry, I mean Honda!

Keep smiling


Ali said...

Great shots, how interesting to see the difference. I just love reflections

david mcmahon said...

Thanks Ali,

I thought the contrast between the two seasons worked really well.

As you'll see from some of my archived work, I do shoot a lot of reflections!

Keep smiling


Merisi said...

These are great shots! :-)
It's really true, one has to have the camera on hand at any time, isn't it? I love to capture reflections, they are for me such a perfect ... ahem ... reflection of life's fleeting moments.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Wooo, you almost had me there. That's so you, as if trying to take the first pic wasn't good enough, you have to go back and replicate it again in a different season! Amazing.

b. said...

Those photos are fabulous!'s not a pond?


FHB said...

Nice before and after. Cool effect.

eric1313 said...

I thought it was water, too.

Great shots. And great patience to get the two to match up just right.

Lotus Reads said...

How creative! Love the changes in the two photographs, I was so captivated by the colours of the sky.