Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cheeky Caper

That’s A Case Of Over-Exposure

It was a full moon in Massachusetts a few days ago - and we're not talking celestial bodies, either. We're talking full-on mooning. An 82-year-old man was in strife with police after showing a little too much ``Celtic pride'' while on stage at a recent festival. He lifted his kilt to reveal his bare backside to the crowd, and was quickly whisked off stage. ``Everybody knows something about this legend of what the Scotsman wears under his kilt, and I was just giving a demonstration,'' said Dr David McCracken. Ahem, his name is sorta appropriate for that caper, isn't it?


Brian in Oxford said...

Hi David, I'm not sure I'll have time to catch up on the 35 entries since I went on vacation (whew!) last week.

But in a related note to this post, my wife and kids were in the lake, me on the dock, and I mooned my kids for the first time ever this past weekend. (oops, almost dropped off the "p" in "past" while typing that...somewhat coincidentally)

~**Dawn**~ said...

LOL! I lost it at the last name.

RUTH said...

LOL yes what an appropriate name!

david mcmahon said...

G'day Brian,

Welcome back. You and Dan Mega were away at the same time. Must be a great summer there!

Mate, you have to give us a blogpost about the `moon shot'!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Dawn,

So did I! I couldn't believe how appropriate (or inappropriate) the surname was!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Yes, Ruth,

It could not have been more apt!

Keep smiling
