Sometimes, Nature inspires us when we least expect it. The study in our home is a warm, inviting place, blessed by the sun right through the day, from sun-up to sundown.
There are floor-to-ceiling bookshelves with a treasure trove of literature from around the world. There are comfortable chairs. There are musical instruments. Sometimes, when I’m not looking, there is even an errant school bag tossed on the carpet.
More than anything else, it is an inviting place. It is an all-inclusive place. It is an embracing place where (frequently loud) music exists in harmony with time for reflection and creativity.
I have always been an early riser and I am frequently in the study before first light has crept across the vast Australian sky. Recently, I was working at my desk as the clouds teased the horizon, bringing gentle rain to a parched land.
Then, a solitary sunbeam broke through the moody sky, shining straight through the study windows. Despite the early hour, it was a strong burst of light and the shallow angle created this wonderful shadow across my desk. I quickly leapt up, strode into the next room and snatched my camera from its bag.
Sometimes you just have to seize the moment. Which moment? The moment at which images become more important than words.
Visit Mama Geek and Cecily, creators of Photo Story Friday.
Quick thinking there, your study sounds like a pleasant place.
Beautiful photograph.....
Interesting pattern you caught there.
Awesome. It's always good to have the camera close by.
Ah, yes... the power of images in our lives!!! Thank you! ~Janine
that last line is pretty amazing. much like the shot.
A shining opportunity. And you grabbed it, David.
I'm on my way to sit in your study and bask in the light and literature.
I nominate this one for post of the day. I think you should award yourself. Why? For this:
"Sometimes you just have to seize the moment. Which moment? The moment at which images become more important than words."
Isn't it amazing what light can do to the mundane?
'course, now my mind is flooded with the sound of music! ;)
Beautiful early shadows!
Early morning shadows that have not been seen by anyone else! Brilliant.
I do so love the way you weave your thoughts into your photographs for us...
Your perspective, in photos, words and life, is always so interesting.
I am a little bit surprised that your camera was in the next room. I thought that you always had it with you. Great shot!
Very interesting that the keys don't look the same size in the shadow! Quick thinking; great photo!
i like this
best wishes
It never ceases to amaze me, David, how you see things. I would never in a million years think to take a picture of the shadow created by my keyboard.
Your sentiment echoes this perfectly. And I adore the composition. When in doubt, shoot the light, right? :)
David, I like this photo and the accompanying prose. Yes, when the image is more important than the words...nice!
Without the corner of the keyboard, you would not have known what cast the shadow...
I saw this a few days back, but I didn't have a chance to comment. This is an outstanding take on an otherwise "everyday" item. Very creative and very artistic!
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