Today's joint winners are Gaston Studio with
The FBI And Me and Sandi McBride with
Cloud Walkers. The other top contenders were My2K with
Puerto Morelos; Lola with
La Ciollolota; Woman In A Window with
The Power Of Shit (And Genetics); Waystation One with
Hopeless Romantic Manifesto; Another Day In The Madhouse with
Got My Goat; Fragrant Liar with
A Wild Hair; My Life Interrupted with
The Beauty That Is Us. Do pay them a visit and leave a comment if you have time.
You can nominate a post too. Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....
See my photography at Images Sans Frontiers and Red Bubble.
Oh thank you for the link to your work. You amaze me, truly. They are stunning. Especially when viewed as a collection.
Oh Gosh! - thanks so much. My lips are zipped as I dont know what to say!
A wink and a kiss all the way from England.....
and many thanks RMxx
wow. feel quite honored david. thanks for stopping by and dropping the comment yesterday. off to check the links...ty.
Thanks so much David! You just made my day.
Thanks, David.
And I'll add a nomination to Woman In A Window for a blog title no one could pass up reading!
I've got some reading to do!!!!!
David, would like to nominate Outnumbered's blog today, "Never Negotitate with Terrorists..."
Thank you David for the nomination. And you put me in such wonderful company: Jane, Sandi, Susan, Brian, Erin... I am honoured!
Ciao and a presto,
Lola xx
Thank you David...I've just come in and washed the garden dirt off my hands and come in to check out my friends...I feel honored to be in such company again! Now, I'm off to read before going back out to my planting!
I've been to each and everyone one...I'm full as a tick on love and laughter! Now, back to the gardens...thank you again, David!
Thanks David. I sure wasn't expecting a mention on this title but I do appreciate it. Thanks!
Hey, thanks so much for mentioning me. I so appreciate the nod.
Fragrant Liar
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