Saturday, June 13, 2009

Find The Solution

In Your Dreams, Buddy

Scientists have revealed that sleeping on a problem really can help solve it. Researchers found people were able to think more laterally and quickly after a nap. However, for new problems, only REM sleep enhances creativity.

FOOTNOTE: Sleeping booty.


Daryl said...

I dont know how much faith I have in this .. I have been troubled by the economy but I dont think sleeping on a bank or stuffing my mattress with my money is going to solve it.

In fact this week someone who took this to heart and had their life savings in their mattress and forgot (How do you forget something like this?) and threw out the mattress!!! .. threw it out! .. gone! .. and with it, a million dollars. if we are to believe someone who didnt remember the money was in there before they tossed it.

Shrinky said...

Oh, I always sleep on making any important decision - also, if I have misplaced something, or can't recall something, I put it in my head before I drift off - my brain is like an old clunky computer, it may take hours for it to come up with the solution, but if given enough time, it generally gets there.

Gonzo R said...

I believe it does and its because its the best way to fight stress. It also conditions the mind to find solutions to your problem.

Craver Vii said...

I just heard about that. I'm trying to get my boss to approve of us bringing pillows to work. ;-)

Maggie May said...

You know, this is definitely true. Sometimes I go to bed nursing a problem and the next morning I often know exactly what to do about it!
I think the brain sorts out chaos into order while in a state of sleep.

San said...

I'm a believer in the hidden messages of dreams. Lately, however, I've been too bogged down in busy-ness in waking life to recall my dreams. Time to unwind and open my mind...

Eddie Bluelights said...

Agree with Maggie, hence the saying:
"I'll sleep on it!"
It's worked for me very frquently.
Not sure whether it worked for Einstein with his theory of Gravity, though ~ Eddie

Sniffles and Smiles said...

I'm not a bit surprised! Without rest, our minds get muddled, and thinking is less clear. And so, whether or not the mind actively worked on problems during sleep or not, it would still be a good idea to sleep on them. However, the mind is a wonderful thing...and continues to work things out, and so this is an added bonus!! Fascinating stuff...thanks David! ~Janine

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

As an insomniac I have to say that sleeping on a problem makes insomnia worse. Problems are edgy, bumpy and uncomfortable to sleep on.