Sometimes a single image, symbol or word can transcend all cultures and all languages. The golden arches of McDonald’s, the global corporation envisioned and tirelessly promoted by the late Ray Kroc, would have to full into that category of instant global recognition.
This was shot as we walked down Petaling Street, in the Chinatown area of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on a hot July night last year. There’s no language barrier. There’s no need for a translator. More crucially, there’s no ambiguity about the product.
Now that’s what you call great advertising.
And I couldn't resist the chance to post this image below. As we entered Petaling Street, one of the hawk-eyed Authorbloglets pointed out this delivery motorcycle. Now I have to ask the question - do you know of a McDonald's outlet that does home delivery? Seriously?

Visit TNChick's Photo Hunt. Today's theme: "Advertising''.
LOL ! That's funny...
No, I don't think I've ever seen a McDonald's home delivery service, before ... very enterprising of them :-)
I would be in big trouble if our McDonald's delivered!
We deliver your heart attack to you. And our special sauce also makes great axle grease.
I have always wondered what my life would be like today had I stayed in the Far East. It was a kind of paradise back in the early 1950s if you were an American. I have watched it go through all kinds of development stages until it is almost identical with this country when it comes to shopping. All the big names are there everywhere. Then again, I wonder what would have happened to me and Patty had we gone through with my desire to Homestead in Alaska?
The story about us almost moving to Alaska...
Homesteading in Alaska
so true about the advertising genius of this logo/symbol. and i'm sure my 14 yr old son would die if he saw that mcd's delivered!! LOL ;)
have a great weekend!
Looks to me as though sombody was jumping on the bandwagon, probably without McDonalds blessing...
I never hit up McDonald's here in the States---but I find in semi-comforting when I'm in foreign lands:)
McD's lasted less than 6 months here. Trinidadians loooove food, and if you pelt a rock you will hit a dozen great restaurants. After the initial McD's excitement had worn off, no-one went back and McD's had to close down. Our local burgers are soooo good.
KFC was smarter. They changed their recipe a little to add some spice, and they include fish during lent. So they are doing well. I don't know if they deliver though!
When I was in second grade back in 1974 the local McDonalds delivered lunch to my school daily. The strange thing is I can only remember two overweight kids in the whole school. This was before video games.
they are everywhere, aren't they...
Boggles the mind. Wouldn't the fries be cold and limp?
Delivery McD’s sounds scary. Now people won’t even get the exercise of walking to their car. It’s not an American export that fills me with pride.
No! What an unusual thing to see. I'm loving it!
They do home delivery in Bangkok too and they have statues of Ronald McDonald Wai-ing :-)
C x
We can't even get Chinese delivered. I thought everyone was supposed to get Chinese delivery.
If you want to see the happiest boy ever David, check out Mr. E at throughmyhands.blogspot.com He is fabulous!
I remember the excitement when McDonald opened up in our then, quite small town. I swear it tasted a lot better back then. Have not had one in ages-the aroma tempts me but I can still remember how ill I felt after the last one. My hips are grateful.
Out here in the country nothing is delivered...I think they're afraid they won't be able to find their way out of the woods! I remember how excited we became as children when we saw those HUGE golden arches that once greeted us as we entered Charlotte,NC or Cleveland Ohio or Tampa Fl...and the first time I saw one downtown London...yes, those golden arches...thanks for the reminder
i think supersize me just went to a whole new level...
McDelivery???? Cool!
At least that's what your food will be once delivered... cool alright.
No, I've never seen a home delivery service here in Washington, probably just as well, too!
Ya know... I can't ever recall hearing about a McD's that delivered. But if there was one, I'd bet it's in Daryl's neighborhood. She swears you can get anything delivered there.
Love the colors in these (even if the food leaves a little to be desired. then again, it could be worse... I could be forced to spend thousands on gold plated lobster, right?)
Violence UnSilenced Nominated for 2009 Most Inspiring Blog by the BlogLuxe Awards. Your vote matters!
Wow! That's really cool!!!! Delivery!!! Now, someone is really thinking during these tough economic times!!! Customer service is what'll make the difference!!! Crisp, clean and colorful make for great images!!!! ~Janine
McDonalds are everywhere and I think everyone knows the logo.
I wonder if they have one in Timbuktoo?
I once ate at a McDonald's in Germany, and I was so excited to be able to order in German. Then I realized everyone else was ordering in English. It was quite a let-down.
There is a Mc Donald's in College Station ,Texas that delivers .
I do not live near there but my son was at a Texas A&M game last year with a friend when they learned that the local McDonald's delivered to the students .
I am glad
ours does not deliver .
It was intresting to learn.
Thank you for sharing these
awesome photos.
Happy Trails
Wow - now fast food is even faster! I just have to add that if I were going to make the effort to order out, McDonalds would be the last place I'd choose! ;)
They certainly don't do it in San Antonio, David! I guess it's what ever the market demands. Lovely bright and glistening shots of the night time lights. Leave it to you to brighten my day with the glitter of night. :-)
Must be a huge huge huge Big Mac in there! ~ Eddie
That's very eye catching. I like the vibrant red here.
Oddly enough, I've been hearing about McD's toying with the idea of delivery! I'd love that, because I'm lazy about my fast food that way!
That arch logo is right up there with the Coca Cola logo....pretty international. I have never heard of McDelivery, they must live close together in that city. Thanks for sharing!
Ahhh..good ole McDonald's! I've been to Malaysia and actually ate at a McDonald's.
Happy Photohunting to you!
Cindy O
No I have never seen home deliver!
God save us from it.
Now I want fries! :)
I personally don't partake of the Mickey D fare, but the sign is certainly iconic.
Now that's the epitome of a bad lifestyle. Not only partaking in junk food but having it delivered. I never woulda thunk it. Great shots. :)
Look like you had a great time in KL,Malaysia:)
Next visit Kuching my town.
When we were in Hyderabad, India last year we saw the McDonald's delivery bike there also. Rather surprised that the idea hasn't spread over here to the US - but also glad that it has not. In the small town in which I live we have no delivery of any type of food - and that is okay with me.
Seriously there is one McD's in midtown Manhattan that does indeed deliver!
But what's that .. how do Ozzies spell RESTAURANT?
All you need to see is the golden arches and you know!
I played too :)
Hhehehe McDonald delivering unheard of that...Good take for the theme. Happy weekend. Mine is ready.
did not know that wow sandy
I had some delivered to my house always... LOL! Well, most people here are quite afraid to be caught in a jam, thus the idea of home/office delivery was a good alternative for them to boost up sales. :)
Please do drop in my blog to help me in a proper advertisement for a better cause. :)
Now McDelivery is a new one on me. I do understand that the fare served at McDonalds around the world has some alterations for the foods and tastes of the region. But, how much can you change a cheeseburger? My hunt is up here.
hi ...
i'm from malaysia...here we have mcdonald's delivery service...its easy and save time...they can deliver to our offices, homes and even school...so far it has been a great service
yup! let the "arch" do the talking!
My Photohunt Ads here.
It's tough times for every one.
So Mc D is delivering. We have a KFC close to my house, though I dont do KFC in India, but I am told they have fusion menu with KFC. You can have a "KFC Thali", if you know what that is.
But the best is in the middle- eastern countries. They have Mc Donlad, KFC, Pizza Hut, Fuddruckers, etc all supplying Halal Meat to its customers where ever meat is used. I guess it takes all this to capture customres world wide.
following this now...i got a very bad experience in mcdonald las vegas last year...wrote it in my simply the best blog...feel free to follow any of my blogs..cheers..
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