Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Doors (3)

Looking For The Wonderful Alley, McGraw

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Wherever I travel, I seem to take photographs of unusual objects. But doors, for some reason, seem to be a constant theme for me. Is there a Freudian reason for this fascination? Maybe because we, the human race, use doors to control access to ourselves, our lives, our thoughts and indeed our very existence.

Doors, I guess, are like the human mind. We open them readily to those we recognise and love, while (generally) we close them to those we do not know or trust or those whose proximity brings more questions than answers.

Doors are the most ancient method of protecting our personal space. I've also found that doors are like snowflakes, for you seldom find two that are identical. Perhaps that explains why the opening sequence of Monsters Inc sticks in our collective consciousness, as the myriad doors traverse a never-ending roller-coaster production line.

Recently I posted Traffic Jamb, then a couple of weeks ago, I posted a shot of this burgundy doorway in Calcutta, India and last week I followed it up with this random shot of a weathered blue door in Fremantle, Western Australia. I received a lot of comments and emails suggesting that I start a regular series.

Yes, I like the idea. So here is the next instalment in the series. This was shot in September, in Whitehorse, capital city of the Yukon. I was there at the invitation of Yukon Tourism and this was one of about 200 shots I took in the last couple of hours on Canadian soil before I caught my flight back to Australia.

Those who have read my travel writing and my blog would know that the Yukon has occupied a special place in my consciousness since my first trip there in 1999. So I guess it's fitting that this was taken in Paradise Alley. This part of Canada has always been my idea of paradise.


Hilary said...

Adoorable idea. ;) Doors really do give you that first impression of what to expect inside. If they're interesting, you know there will be more of that ahead.

Millennium Housewife said...

I think you like doors because you're interested in other people's minds, you'd like entry to have an explore around and see what's happening...MH

Celebration of Life said...

David, this is a very thought provoking post today. (I love the door pictures) Doors are used to keep us safe, yet we open the door to our personal lives and thoughts everyday when we blog. :o) The world has changed a lot since the door was invented, hasn't it?
Have a great day!

Carolina said...

This alley doesn't look too paradise-like to me.
Looking forward to all the other doors.

katherine. said...

what a great idea...I take a few shots of doors as well...they catch my attention.

ArtistUnplugged said...

I like the door photos and there are alot of parallels that could be made with them....just wondering....have you ever listened to "The Doors" music???

Saz said...

a paradise I used to live in canada...lovely place though not yukon teritory...

Carol Murdock said...

The door photos are amazing,do you ever investigate what lies behind them?

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I've seen whole blogs devoted to doors and lovely as they are I like a bit of variety in a blog.

A Woman Of No Importance said...

David, doors offer such promise, and tell of the many hands which have touched their wooden surface and caressed their handles.

I like to think as blogs as portals - We either stand outside peeking in and lurking to see if we like the sounds or the smells, or can find any piece of our souls in there, or we enter, take off our shoes and drink in the atmos! Yours is always a definite 'feet up on the coffee table' visit!

Daryl said...

Doors are such interesting things .. you never really know what's on the other side ... I will join you in this next week .. my laptop just got released from the Apple hospital and now I have all my photos back ..

George said...

These are wonderful pictures. I like the idea of a door series.

carmilevy said...

The Canadian in me absolutely digs your perspectives on life in the Yukon. The slightly off-centred photographer in me absolutely gets your predisposition to shooting doors.

Found you via Mojo and wanted to drop by and visit my fellow honorees. Can't wait to read and see more of your work. I'm so glad I found your site!

simon said...

i agree- i love doors in Paris... i have a fasination for what mat exist behind them

Sandi McBride said...

What a delightful post, David. Just points out that our destiny is connected to doors, open doors, foot in doors, closing doors...even windows, windows of opportunity, etc...loved this

® ♫ The Brit ♪ ® said...

Another wonderful shot David!
And I loved the poetic explanation of doors within us as humans... and it got me thinking that there are so many of these metaphors in life that all seem connected: "eyes are the windows to the soul" "key to your heart" "doorway to happiness" "door to success" "keys to success" - they are all strangely connected!

Diane said...

I have a thing for doors as well...
loved the Calcutta one.

And 100 degrees? Picture me sticking my tongue out at you... but not near anything metal, as it's so cold here, it will stick but good. Sigh.

Indrani said...

Yes, your door shots are unique, the kind that makes one glance back to check if it is open. :)

Is this some kind of meme? I too have a fascination for doors. And at Rajasthan and Hampi I have taken plenty of shots of doors, even the handles,latches and knobs!

Willow said...

Doors are such interesting objects to photograph! I'll look forward to seeing the doors of the world through your eyes.

gogouci said...

I, too, am a fan of doors and will look forward to viewing future posts.

The W.O.W. factor! said...

This is a wonderful idea! Doors can be the windows to our souls and so much more! The hand-hewn ones can hold an extra special meaning..I love those the best.

Unknown said...

Doors are a theme for me as well.

I have a collage in my blog: