Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rim Shot

Chip Off The Old Block

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Imperfections generally attract my attention more often than perfect sights. My camera is magnetically drawn to rusty objects, odd sights, quirky objects that are way off the beaten track. You know the feeling, right?

Not surprisingly, this week’s theme was just the perfect challenge. This is one of a set of Vision kitchen utensils that are a few years older than the eldest Authorbloglet.

I’m not owning up to chipping the rim (not unless you twist my arm) but I will own up to putting it aside so I could photograph it before throwing it out with great regret.

While I was checking these shots at full reslution on my computer, the middle Authorbloglet walked past and pointed out something I hadn't even noticed - that the chip is as close to a perfect "love heart" as you'll ever get.

Visit TNChick's
Photo Hunt. Today's theme: "Chipped".


Unknown said...

love it! I never would have noticed the heart, though...

George said...

Middle authorbloglet is absolutely correct.

Carolina said...

Middle authorbloglet is a (future) photographer, with that eye!
Nice shot!

Katney said...

Does that authorbloglet have a camera? He/she is following in Dad's observant footsteps.

Susan English Mason said...

I see it!

Jinksy said...

Gives a whole new meaning to broken hearted.

Celebration of Life said...

Love your photography, David!

Working Mum said...

I didn't notice the heart until you said. It will make me look at imperfections differently in future!

® ♫ The Brit ♪ ® said...

Ahh.... and you still had the heart to throw it away?!
I would have had to have kept it...

aims said...

Hey David - I'm sending you over to a place with some unusual photos - she has quite a few -

cheshire wife said...

That chip is so perfect it looks like it has been carved.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't quite sure it was a chip when I first saw it. I can see the heart, great eye that kid's got!

Saz said...

wow David!! I too am drawn funnyily ..(thats wrong I cant seem to spell it!!) to cracked and chipped old crockery...l know its rendered worthless but to me its the opposite...l just love the fact its seen a life...and has a story..

Maggie May said...

My blog is filled with imperfections! LOL!

Yes, you have a love heart out of the chip. Should have posted on Valentine's Day!

Craver Vii said...

A heart... how perfect since today is my anniversary!

Valerie said...

I didn't even notice it was shaped like a heart. Loved the picture!

becky aka theRAV said...

Well, now that it has the perfect heart, I don't think I could throw it away! LOL

Cheffie-Mom said...

I heart the heart in the photo. Did that make sense? LOL! Great photo!

Sandra said...

From someone who cooks for a living.. my "heart" breaks for you and the pot.

Thank you for commenting on my blog...

I love your pictures.

squawmama said...

Good One David.... Loved the photo...


aims said...

Let me point you to the exact pic David since she's posted a poem since...

There we go - one of many she has done...

Angela said...

Nice heart chip! Happy hunting.

Rosie : ) said...

Wonderful imperfection! Who knew a little chip could turn out to mean so much?

PS Thanks for dropping by my blog and saying hi!

a friend said...

awesome finding the extraordinary in the ordinary

Anonymous said...

Middle authorbloglet has a good eye!

carrhop said...

Love that! And, of course, I guess it is the little chips and cracks that allow love to seep into our hearts--


Ms. Tee said...

Your photos are great :) thanks for stopping by!

jmb said...

I'm afraid you could not keep that one but it provided the perfect shot for this theme. Well you provided the perfect shot, as usual. It is a little heart.

Anonymous said...

It is a good feeling when an offspring shows signs of having inherited your talent. Excellent take on the theme and the "heart" is almost worth the imperfection in the rim.

CRIZ LAI said...

I hope that "heart" shaped chipped Vision won't end up as a Valentine's gift.. LOL! Just kidding here. Love the macro shot David. :)

Anonymous said...


stan said...

it must take a super hard knock to break tt steel heart! ;0

Leslie said...

H'mmm, you could have used it for Valentine's Day then maybe. :)

Have a great weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Love it...pun intended :-)

Anonymous said...

When I first looked at the photograph, I thought it was a metal vessel,and I was wondering how it got chipped like that. When I scrolled down, I realized it was glass.

My contribution is one of those "imperfect" subjects that you mentioned. I share the attraction with you.

Anonymous said...

What a great shape. It almost looks like it was put there on purpose. Great capture even if you didn't realize at first what you captured.

If you have time, please check out my photo hunt for the week.

JyLnC's Chipped

Anonymous said...

wow!! it is a heart shaped chip. wonderful :)

TAB said...

Perfect picture of an imperfection!

Sandi McBride said...

Ah yes, a chip off the old block indeed...and does this young bloglet carry around a camera and run full tilt at the world? I hope so!

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Great post - the authorbloglet is very observant.

Carver said...

That's a lovely shot. I like the way it's so reflective.

A Friendly Reader Only said...

What a truly wonderful captured moment - Even the chip itself has love to offer!! Thanks for sharing.

Renz said...

I wish I can take photos like you!
Great take on this week's theme!

YellowRose said...

The heart is perfect! The photo is perfection! Wonderful choice!!

SabineM said...

well done for the theme!

Anonymous said...

That's kind of neat with the heart pointed out. Great shot.

Anonymous said...

nice shot! interesting reads too. =)

Anonymous said...

It is heart shaped! :) That's a really neat chip. Nice!