Me, I'm fine when there's frost on the ground. So while those of you who live in the northern hemisphere are complaining about having to shovel snow, spare a thought for us Melburnians as we swelter through the worst heatwave in a century.

I took these shots a few hours ago, and the sun looked like a flying saucer as it sank quickly towards the horizon. It's been 45 Celsius for the past three days - and that's 113 Fahrenheit, in case you're wondering.

How hot is that? Well let me put it this way. The weather has been so scorching that even railway lines are starting to buckle. Even those famous cool evenings and nights have become a thing of the past.

We're a tough breed here. We can cope with pretty much anything. But the real worry, as January comes to a close, is that the drought continues. We've had no rain this month. As you can see from this pictorial essay, we saw a buildup of dark clouds at dusk, but they brought false promise. We're still waiting for rain.
Any rain ....
For other participants in Dot’s concept, go to Sky Watch HQ.
Those skies look lush, not sweltering. Extreme heat is miserable though. Wish I could send you our high desert howling winds to cool things off.
As a Floridan who lives through hot summers, I can relate. But oh, David, that sky is AMAZING! I don't know if I've ever seen one this color. I'm captivated by it. Thanks for sharing...
oh to be in the heat of summer!!
I have indeed Friends melting in Melbourne (probably in Brisbane too).
David, by the time I finish reading your post, I am sweating now, and we have coldwave here, lol. Breathtaking images of the sun, you are GOOD!!! Anna :)
The extreme heat there has produced some beautiful skies. I hope you and the authorblog family are managing to stay cool.
Fabulous skies ... I was saying just last nite how I cannot wrap my feeble brain around how hot is it on your side of the globe when its so bloody cold here .. those skies warm my entire being right now to the soles of my heavy warm boots
Me, I'm just happy I got to work three day shifts in a row outside under some much-missed sun (shoveling snow). The brightness makes it feel warmer, even when it's -27 C. somehow.
Remarkable images! I heard about your heat wave over the radio on the drive to work. Meanwhile, we have fresh powder covering the ground here. Hang in there, Sir!
Hot or not....it's beautiful, particularly those skies!
I wish I had a copy of that last photo- talk about every cloud has a silver linig - this one had GOLD!
Those photo's are amazing!!
I can empathise...being too hot is no fun at all!! When we were living in Thailand...the hot season...OMG...it was like moving through and breathing in soup!!!
C x
thos eyellow skies again, l dont think l've ever seen a yellow sky, except here....l must add this to my to do someday LIST!!
Beautiful sky watch and sun set down ther in Australia.
Take care.
Stunning sky shots series, David!
I love sunsets, and you captured a gorgeous one!
I don't know about that...
The Norwegian government has just announced that they are going to hoist a sunken German submarine from WW2 not far for where I live. It contains among other things, 67 metric tonnes of pure, liquid mercury. To say that we are relieved is an understatement.
Magnificent skies, I love all those shots. Thanks for sharing.
Regina In Pictures
Pretty great shots!
Hugs and Mocha,
It makes for a lovely sunset!
I think people (me included) are always wishing for the other season. I actually never wish for summer to be over, but 100 is hot here.
LOVE the photos!
I bet you can fry an egg on the concrete. You poor thing. It's time for a cool, cool change! If the Cadinal's win the Sueprbowl, (if hell freezes), then maybe it will snow there.
Oy....and we wait for a thaw! Happy SWF!
Those are absolutely beautiful photographs. I do not envy you the 113 degree heat however. Living in Oklahoma, that is not unknown, but usually we stay under 110 degrees F.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi in my little corner of the blogsphere. I'm going to go read some more AuthorBlog now.
Helen G.
brilliant shots. how many times do i have to say that?
my poor old dad is sweltering in his apartment near fawlkner park mate....
and what about that dreadful situation on the bridge?
Ha David, yours and mine are hot ones.
These wonderful skies hide what is happening on the ground.
May the rains and cooler weater find there way to you soon.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes hot and yes where is the rain. We drove along the Murray coming back from Canberra last week. Shocking to see how little is in the river at certain parts which have not been dammed.
Beautiful photo's.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy SWF
BEautiful photos. I can almost feel the heat.
Hope you get some of the much-needed rain.
Wish I could send you some of our moisture but I love your photos of the sky. Just gorgeous!
A great contrast from my corner of the world!
I really hope that you get a few showers soon.
It sounds like you need it.
Your Sky Watch series is great, though!
WONDERFUL pictures and colors.
oh man, David. that is hot. eeekkk...somehow, I'm having a hard time remembering that you have summer now. hot like that in January. so strange to me.
be well!
The skies are magnificent but I couldn't cope with that kind of heat.
Wish I could send you some water!
There is certainly something going on with the extreme weather changes in the world, isn't there?
Oh my goodness, that is hot! And that is coming from a Texan who is used to HOT.
Beautiful, stunning photos. Sigh.
i've got a bucket, and i'm going to start collecting a wet package for you RIGHT now. you'll get a bucket a day until the rain stops in wales.
that is the same as never.
Here I was feeling so cold. Pictures are deceiving, as I thought it looked deliciously warm in your photos. Would send you all some rain if only you could share the sun.
Gorgeous photos! I am trying to dredge up some sympathy for you. I really am. That is bloody hot. But right now, we cannot see out of first floor windows because they are blocked out with snow.
These photos are absolutely great. I have to agree you Aussies are very hardy to contend with the temperatures you've had lately. But I do hope you get rain soon.
Beautiful sunset! The tennis players at the Australian Open have looked like they were melting the last few days.
Beautiful shots!
They did a report on the news tonight about the heatwave and the fires and what not. You know it's bad when Idaho is reporting about it!
Beautiful sunset photos! Sorry about the lack of rain. I'd love to send you some of our cool wetter weather!
If the sweltering, sweat and heatwave are as beautiful as this picture, may this be welcomed!
That was in jest, though. I loved the photos but coming from a humid climate myself I know that it is rather uncomfortable to say the least.
Greetings from London.
Those are so beautiful shots.I could not have lived in such an hot place,I can`t stand the heat.
Beautiful sky series! :o)
Those skies are amazing! You are welcome to some of the rain that we have been having. Our garden has been water-logged for weeks.
Even those pictures look hot. Phew! I know we complain of the cold but that is TOO hot. The sun looks like it is melting.
My kind of photo of course, because I love a sunset and you capture it beautifully. I just hope you get some relief soon.
Oh my gosh it is hot there. In a drought too. I will pray for rain or better yet do a rain dance. Beautiful shots though. MB
Hi David - It's actually nice to hear that it's hot somewhere! We are tired of the cold and snow now, but I can imagine if it was so hot, I'd rather have the cold. I think it's easier to warm up inside :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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