Saturday, June 27, 2009

Verse And Worse

Random Wit, Errant Rhyme. Not A Literary Crime

Said Tinkerbell to Captain Hook
"I think your pirate ship needs a cook,
Your roast is vile, your chicken’s like leather
You’ knock MasterChef down with a feather."


Maggie May said...

Cap'n Hook looked very glum
When Tink was moaning to her chum.

The thing that he wanted kept getting away
Crocodile roast would be *hit of the day*.

He was saving the recipe and licking his lips....
Crocodile steak would go down well with chips.

All his cooking was well below par......
But crocodile dishes would make him a star.

Merisi said...

A hook is definitely not a good cook's tool! ;-)

Mariana Soffer said...

Yoy my pirate
should use an eye patch
even dough your eye
hasnt got a scratch

Eddie Bluelights said...

Said Eddie, "Come to my blog for a Zombie Chicken!
There's millions roosting just right for pick'en,
Giblets and feet all in a stew
Mixed with Peter Pan and his terrible crew.
But wait I think I hear a clock
It belongs to that awful hungry croc.
Quick let's run a scamper for cover
Before another meal that fiend will discover!"

Been away for a few mins ~ Eddie

Anonymous said...

I will never know how your brilliant mind works like this all the time!