Thursday, May 08, 2008

Fitting The Bill

To Beer Or Not To Beer, That Is The Question

Illinois man Bill Bramanti has a custom-made Pabst Blue Ribbon beer-can casket, even though he ain't planning on using it soon. He threw a party and filled his silver coffin - designed in Pabst's colors of red, white and blue - with ice and his favorite brew. His daughter Cathy said: "Why put such a great novelty piece up on a shelf in storage when you could use it only the way Bill Bramanti would use it?"

FOOTNOTE: Way to go.


Hilary said...

And when poor Bill is dead and gone, if asked about his casket, perhabst he'll say he designed it in a Pabst life. ;)

Kat said...

That was just on the news here. Pabst is made in my homestate so the news was all over.
The man likes his beer, I guess.

Charles Gramlich said...

Now I'm as big a fan of beer as anyone but PBR? Man that stuff is rotten. Now, I've drank my share, but it's still rotten.

Come to think of it, maybe it goes well as a casket.

Madam Crunchypants said...

I find his daughter's lack of pronoun use in reference to her father a little weird...

As is Bill Bramanti :D

Tess Kincaid said...

Reminds me of W.C. Fields' beer bed.

Carolyn said...

Okay, that's just crazy. To live your whole life only to be buried in a beer keg? To each his own I guess.

Oh, and I'm not even going to try for a pun... Hilary is just way too clever.

Lavinia said...

Well, let's hope he isn't sent to his great reward anytime soon, and remains 'ale and 'earty for years to come.

Beer can coffin? Well, I don't see what the big brew-haha is about!

Maggie May said...

Better than being left on the shelf....... I suppose!

Shrinky said...

Wonder if the party was loud enough to wake the dead?

Akelamalu said...
