Monday, May 05, 2008

Post Haste

Once In A Blue Mood

A British postman had to be escorted home by police after he turned up for work wearing the wrong shorts. The employee at Royal Mail's sorting office in Northampton, was wearing navy blue shorts without the Royal Mail logo when he arrived at work. After being challenged about the breach, he refused to go home and change, so his managers called the police to escort him off the premises.

FOOTNOTE: Short notice.


Vi said...

OMG! I'm gonna have to check my posties shorts now to see if he wears the right ones (good reason to check out his rear!)

Cath said...

Typical British political correctness and Jobsworth!

I am not surprised...

Anonymous said...

The post office is going from bad to worse!!

CJ xx

Maggie May said...

This is absolutely mad & makes me want to scream! There is too much of this stupidity!

Carolyn said...

Guess that postie really got the short shift, eh?

Jennifer S said...

I was going to say something about short shrift, but then I saw Carolyn's pun and realized it's actually better, given that his shift ended so quickly!

She's a funny girl.

Once in a blue mood...good one. :-)

D... said...

A rebel with a cause, I'd say.

Colleen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The man took a job that calls for a uniform. I am assuming he knew that up front. Why shouldn't his employers insist that he wear it? Plus, it is a safety feature for both the postman -- he belongs here, George, don't shoot -- and the postal patron -- some man left a package on our porch. Probably the post. I'll get it. Boom!.

Perhaps calling the police was a little over the top. Perhaps a few of the more belligerent details were left out of the story. Perhaps. I wasn't there. I don't know.

Akelamalu said...

He was given 'short' shrift obviously!

nitebyrd said...

Jeez! Y'all have some tough rules for postal workers over there. We're just lucky here that ours wear clothes at all. We don't like to upset our mailpeople. They tend to "go postal!" ;)

Unknown said...

Now you know exactly why I emigrated from all that political correctness!