I Scream, U Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream

My "camera eye" is always attracted to unusual sights, be they monochromes or strong colours. This shot, taken at the Royal Melbourne Show, is a combination of both factors. First, the sweep of the pathway gave me an unusual arc of several colours as the flags fluttered in the strong breeze. Second, if you look carefully, you'll see that the image has not been flipped laterally - the words on the flags are "back-to-front" because I was on the wrong side as they flapped strongly and loudly. The blue of the ice cream cart was a perfect splash of stationary colour, too. Just the perfect place to flag down flag down an ice cream vendor, don't you think?
I like it David. The multitude of colors makes this work!
But the biggest question is, what flavor of ice cream did you get?
I like the vivid colors as well. But then again, any shot concerning ice cream is instant favorite IMHO. :)
Thank you, Dan,
I have to confess, I didn't eat any ice cream at this vendor.
There is an unconfirmed report that I ate some at one of the other pavilions that day!
Keep smiling
Hi WorksforMom,
That works for me. Ice cream is the prince of inventions!
Keep smililng
I DO love all the colors. I could gaze at them for hours. Check back on my blog Monday for Blog Action Day. Ornery took an awesome photo of a bunch of Nalgene water bottles and I put it in my post. I also made it my desk top, I liked it so well!
Did you know you were listed on my "Favorites" when you visited my blog? Well, you are. And have been for months.
G'dayfrom Seattle. :-)
Hi Ornery's Wife,
Yep, will certainly check back with you Monday - that'll be Tuesday here in Australia.
Hi Anonymous Boxer,
On your Favourites? Me? No, I didn't know that.
Wow. Can I say ``thank you'' from the bottom of my heart?
I actually missed the ice cream vendor amongst all of the flags; he sort of blended in. Wonderful colors indeed. I think I might go eat some ice cream now. :)
(Thanks for visiting my site! Feel free to visit again!)
...or in this case, "flag down flag down flag down flag down an ice cream truck"....
I like the outdoorsy, flags-flapping- in-the-breeze atmosphere.
Hi Brittany,
I was very interested in your comment - because I figured most people would notice the flags but miss the ice cream vendor.
That's why I mentioned him in the post!!
Thanks for dropping by and do keep in touch.
Keep smiling
Hi Les,
That trumps everything I've done this week. Brilliant comment...
Bravo! Encore!
Keep smiling
Hi Kentuckygal,
Thanks for visiting. It was a great day out. A cool breeze, but no threat of rain. And the flags were really fluttering!!!
Keep smiling
Your camera is ever ready to snap a shot of the world.
How's it going in the land of tomorrow?
Me too! Glad you saw this one.
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