It's A Bit Terse, But It Ain't A Curse

If you've already seen my post from yesterday, titled Cut To The Quick, then maybe you'll have a chuckle at this limerick. You see, I should have paid heed to this photograph taken on the picturesque main street of the little Outback town called Nhill in the Wimmera region. It's a strangely prophetic image, with a speed warning and a bakery sign. If I'd watched my speed a few minutes later, I would have saved myself (gratuitous reference to the bakery) a lot of um, dough. Okay, so here's the limerick ...
One morning, on the highway near Nhill,
I was hit with a sizeable bill,
The sight of a copper,
Was a real heart-stopper,
For me, but not for my m-i-l.
The bun stops here. :-)
I have a photo of a bakery on my post also. Thank goodness, I walked by (and got to the neighborhood by streetcar, was not named desire, but a very prosaic no. 5).
Enjoyed the post. Also merisi's comment.
We do not have a bakery here where we live so I have to go back to World War II days almost to remember what one is like.
I can still smell the smells of freshly baking breads. Oh my. Something to die for.
Home made bread, mmm.
We have Asda who bake their own.
I bake my own breads, rolls and pastries, but I would much prefer to buy them if we had a decent bakery in our town. I read through several of your entries and must say, they are insightful and humorous and I enjoyed them immensely. Thanks so much for visiting my little corner of the Western hemisphere...have a great day! (or is it night? I'm so confused)
I loved the story about NHill. That is so embarassing when children are present...and of course, the Limerick is great fun!
This is an automated blog comment: “I am sooooo far behind! I’m catching up on all my blog reading this afternoon but don’t have the time or energy to be creative with my comments. I read. I loved. You’re fab. Seriously.”
OH David! that was the smile I was needing today. thank you thank you thank you!!!!
David, I want to say thanks for the comment at my blog today. I just read a few of your posts and enjoyed them, especially the one about the 27-year-past wedding pictures! What a wonderful thing! There are many good people, and it is too bad that they don't get the press like the bad ones. :)(:
Dough! Doh!
Ooooops - ye ol' radar I gather????
Neat verse - more poetic than "Buggar" too!!!
David - I have used your post Joker Cola as an inspiration for my post today!!!
i enjoyed your post
Very funny verse! I can picture your wife, mother-in-law and daughter all laughing with or is it "at" you for the speeding ticket!
Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog.
Looks like you like our little town of Nhill...
Must see if there is more.
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