Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON
Have you ever wondered why emergency vehicles have the words "Fire", "Ambulance", "Police" or "Rescue" laterally inverted? It's so that when they are driving behind us, we see the word displayed correctly in our rear-vision mirrors. I guess that is a good way to illustrate today's theme, which is "Practical". And if any of my readers happen to know which emergency service worker thought of this brilliant idea, do let me know.
I knew that but not sure who came up with it. =) Great choice!
I did know that too, but....who ever came up with it...BRILLANT!
good choice. Mine will be up soon....not sure you are up for it though....we'll see! tee hee
Great shot. Isn't that just genius. Very clever take!
I feel really, really unobservant suddenly!
"Photo Hunter." You know, I've never gone hunting, but it would be cool to employ similar tactics and attempt to get close and shoot something with my Yashika.
I have to laugh at the backwards writing. The big red truck with a telescoping ladder, lights flashing, siren blaring... wouldn't that be a good clue? Nope: "Hold on, Aunt Matilda, it looks like something is written on the front of that vehicle... now if I could only get close enough to read it..."
I'm not sure who thought of it either but as an ambulance dispatcher (former police dispatcher) I can tell you that, sadly, it doesn't help a lot of times. You would be totally amazed at how many people refuse to get out of the way a vehicle that has come up behind you with lights flashing and siren blaring who still refuse to get the heck out of the way! Sad - but true!
Funny to see 'Saturday' on your post. Still Friday eve here!
Isn't that clever...I never would have guessed that!
nice one! there was a time when I wouldn't have known this, but luckily that time was years ago:)
I tried my hand with some pictures of Egg this week...posted on my blog today..lemme know what you feel about the pics!:)
what a great choice for today. Great shot!
Nice shot and very practical...
Great photo. I wonder if it works. Me I find the big vehicle wiith "blues and twos" going makes me get out of teh way! Happy weekend
Good choice of our theme! mine is up too http://happymomiam.blogspot.com/2007/10/photo-hunters-practical.html
Hmmm... I knew this as well but don't know who had come up with this idea. Great post!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
I have always thought that very practical.
Great shot. I love this take on the theme. I thought it was only ambulance that is backward here.
:-) Susan
hello freind
nice blog,gerat photos
Egypt violated the rights of Sudanese refugees
More than 10000 refugees, mostly in Egyptian prisons
Egyptian authorities have killed more than 100 of them
They resort to Israel to receive the safty of injustice Egyptian authorities, what is happening is a shame in the face of humanity
In my blog was portrayed by the suffering of these
Am asudanes bloger inegypt
Thank you for your support
great photo...I agree with Linda...even tho Fire, ambulance have it printed this way...people still dont'get out of the way....I just don't get it...I think some people just panick....I know as soon as I hear the sierns I start looking for the flashing lights and pull over to the curb lane...and then curb if need be....happy weekend....
Recently they changed the noise sirens make over here so that more people hear the emergency services approaching. Again, practical.
I think you can find all kinds of practical things on emergency vehicles. I even posted one for my hunt this week. Happy Weekend.
My family has always noticed this - infact we now even use the word "ecnalubma" in everyday converstion - much to the confusion of other people :)
that's really practical one, thanks for sharing it.happy weekend!
great take on this weekend theme.happy hunting!
great explanations.......now I knew why.
Mine is up at My 2Cents Worth and The 4Seasons Of My Life Hope you can all visit me.
happy Photo Hunting !!!
What an excellent post. very informative and interesting. sara from farmingfriends
I bet you wont be doing what i will be doing to day.
Cheers Mark
I never knew that. Thanks for the info!
I never thought of this, wandering what the heck it is all about. Thanks for the tip. Cool shot.
Pretty clever, to say the least,.. but,... if something big and red was behind you, wouldn't you know to get out of the way? Same with police and ambulances,.. they usually have their colorful lights flashing. Yet still,... some people do not see them I guess. Great photo and have a good weekend.
Great photo of something practical. I'm stunned at how many people did NOT already know that.
Photo Hunters
A great interpretation of this week's theme. Sadly, all too often I see roadhogs who ignore the presence of an emergency service vehicle. Have a great weekend!
That's dumb to me. If I see the lights and hear the siren, I move. I'm not trying to read a sign. But thats just me I guess.
No clue man, but it's brilliant.
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