This display of peppers caught my eye, not just because of the striking colours, but also because the pattern was so irregular, with gaps in between. After I'd shot the first frame (above) I went closer to get a different perspective on the shot. At that point I realised the peppers (or capsicums, as they're called in some parts of the world) had been on display for a while, hence the slight wrinkles visible on the skin of some of them.
FOOTNOTE: Where's Rip Van Wrinkle?

Rip Van Wrinkle went to get red, green, yellow and dead pepper.
Hi Merisi,
You're too quick for me - again!
Keep smiling
I love those photos! The colors are fabulous!
Hi B,
Thank you. They were like a beacon calling out to me and singing ``Photograph us, photograph us''!!!!
Keep smiling
OOOoohh! Nice photographic composition David (not that I'm much of a photographer - but I do have an artist's eye). You know... my favourite part of grocery shopping is the pepper section of the veggie area...Thanks for sharing this photo with us!
Hi Poseidon,
Thanks very much for that encouragement and appreciation. Anyone with an artist's eye would make a good photographer ...
Keep smiling
I really like the colors of this photo David. Peppers are a personal favorite of mine to eat too. Interesting way to display them...
I've always loved the look of peppers in all the colours - on display, in food - they just look pretty. I've never seen them displayed on a pole before though... I think it looks much more appetizing than jumbled up in a bin. Wrinkles and all.
Great pics, as always.
Excellent Photos...they totally look inedible as you said...they have begun to Rip Van Wrinkle :)
The Egel Nest
Hi Melissa,
Have to admit I wasn't too keen on them as a kid, but they are great with just about any meal.
And their colours are so vibrant that they're great to photograph as well!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend
Keep smiling
Hi Les,
Like you, I've never seen 'em displayed that way!
And yes, they're great on a plate as well.
Keep smiling
Hi Bradley,
Thanks for visiting. I just checked out your blog as well.
Hope the baby is on the mend ....
Keep smiling
A striking display and well photographed although I thought I was the only punster in the Blogipelago :)
btw, I now have to go looking for your novel - I promise it won't go to the bottom of my TBR pile.
"FANTABULOUS" photography David!! The colors would have caught my eye too....but in a 'painter' perspective. Altho, I don't paint much anymore, it would catch my eye with the vivid contrasts. It's a beautiful composition for both.
Thanks for the visit. Ya, I had a heart ablation last week. I'm still on the mend, taking life easy, but that is one reason I chose this procedure over open heart surgery---the recovery time is MUCH shorter!!!
Happy day to you.
The colours are just fantastic and I love the clever title!
Those darn wrinkles get everywhere, don't they? (Sigh)
The peppers may be starting to wilt, but the colors are still very vibrant. Nice pictures.
no orange peppers? complete the rainbow!
These peppers look so lovely. At the mall here they are being sold all nicely wrapped. One day I overheard a behenji-type lady (you know who behenjis are) pick up a red pepper and say;This is for decoration no? (mind you they are very expensive)I just could not help myself and turned to her and told her they were edible. We had a good laugh.
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