Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mount Ever Rest

High On A Hill Lives A (Very Relieved) Goatherd

Europe’s highest toilet has been built on the snow-capped peak of France's Mont Blanc. More than 30,000 visitors make their way to the peak each year and local mayor Jean-Marc Peillex said: "This move was much needed. Our beautiful mountain's white peak was full of yellow and brown spots in summer." The two toilets were flown up Mont Blanc to a height of 4260 metres. A helicopter will also be used to empty the toilets on a daily basis at, er, peak times for visitors.

FOOTNOTE: Mind your pees and queues.


BRUNO said...

"IT" really DOES always flow downhill, indeed, doesn't "IT" now???

david mcmahon said...

G'day Bruno,

Except in Australia, where it goes uphill! We rejoice in being different!

Keep smiling


Brian in Oxford said...

so they didn't install a mile-deep pipe for plumbing?

david mcmahon said...

G'day Brian,

Ah, oui, m'sieur. They did. But they forgot to connect it!

Keep smiling


RUTH said...
