Shall we break out the champagne, or a crate of Duff Beer? Homer Simpson and his family were the top draw at movie theatres around the world in their big-screen debut, surpassing even the most optimistic forecasts. "The Simpsons Movie" sold almost $168 million worth of tickets on its first weekend. The North American component was $71.85 million, the fifth-highest opening of the year. Fox had expected the animated comedy to open in the $40 million range. Internationally, the film took $96 million from 71 territories, the highlights being Britain ($27.8 million) and Germany ($14.2 million). The TV show begins its 19th season in the fall.
AHHH!!! The story of my life---ON FILM!
I may even go out IN PUBLIC to see it! Or, I may just wait for the "home-version" to find it's way to me!
I don't get out too much, anymore---people SCARE me!
But then, so does the morning mirror---and I haven't broken it!
So Homer can't use the excuse, "It's my first day!" because the movie is a success. I'm sure C. Montgomery Burns is not pleased, but Smithers will comfort him, I'm sure.
G'day Bruno,
I think there's a lot of Homer in all of us - which is why he is so fallible and so believable.
I'm sure you look great in your morning mirror.
Keep smiling
Hi whodatdare,
Always nice to hear from an old friend. I don;t think Homer can use any excuses - and yes, I'm sure Smithers will find a way, as he always does!
Keep smiling
We can't wait to see this!
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