Maybe it's because I'm curious. Maybe it's because I never want to miss anything. Maybe it's because I'm thorough. Maybe it's because I have this desire to size up every aspect of a situation before I judge it.
Or maybe it's just because Nature fascinates me.
The truth of the matter is, no matter what I'm photographing, whether it's a stunning sunrise or an amazing mountainside, I always make it a point to look all around me, just to make sure I haven't missed out on any sight that would otherwise escape my attention.
Sometimes you have to look away from your main subject to find unexpected beauty.
This shot was taken in September 2005, while I photographed sunrise at Canoe Lake in Canada’s Algonquin Provincial Park in Muskoka, Ontario. I followed my own simple rule and looked left, right and behind me just to ensure I wasn’t missing out on Nature’s beauty – and I was rewarded with this tranquil scene that was positioned to my immediate right.
The silver-blue dominates the scene, even to the soft light playing across the wooden pier and on the hulls of the upturned boats on the lake’s bank on the right of the image.
Can you the slightest hint of red in this shot? It’s the red-and-white buoy which is barely discernible as it bobs just above the longest of the piers.
And in case you're wondering what exactly was the main focus of my attention that morning, it was simply a sunrise across the lake, as you can see below .....

For other participants in Dot’s concept, go to Sky Watch HQ.
wow. both of these are amazing...the colors and textures...the sun literally explodes out of the second one...i love nature...
Oh, both of these are absolutely breathtaking photos!!! I think I like the first one the best, good thing you look both/all ways! Always a good thing to do.
absolutely stunning pictures!
That's a very good reminder to look all around. I like the first one the best as well, although the second one is spectacular.
Stunning pictures David! It pays to look around.
Wow David.. .that's just beautiful and it makes me miss the cottage all the more.
Words to live by - not just photographers, but people in general. Taking the blinders off opens up new paths.
Stunning! I could sit on that pier all day long and just follow your eye to see what there is to see.
Beautiful. Thanks for the reminder to look around and see the beauty.
I thought that looked like Ontario!
I loved going to Algonquin Lake - it was stunning and huge!
Thanks for bringing me back to my younger days David. I miss the lakes of Ontario out here on the dry prairies of Alberta.
So beautiful! Makes me want to go back to the Muskokas.
I've long held to the conventional wisdom that "If you like the light in front of you, turn around and look behind". Which I think most of us will extend to "look to the sides too". Sage, sage advice indeed.l Advice I'm SO glad you followed on this morning.
Not disparaging the sunrise photo in any kind of way, understand, but the one of the piers is unique, there's a life, a story there. This is a Place Where Things Happen. the sunrise, as spectacular as it is, can be found in lots of places. Not in exactly this form, but where there is sun and water, you can take a similar shot (trust me, it's one of my favorite subjects!). The docks? They exist in once place, and unless you go there you can't take that shot. Both shots are marvelous -- postcard quality at the very minimum.
Stunning! Thanks for the lesson of looking around, taking in what might be interesting and unassuming. Isn't that a good lesson for everything in life?
What a difference between across the lake and to you immediate right!! The colors are beautiful.
WOW! WOW! WOW! Absolutely beautiful!
oooo love both pics....the blue is wonderful.
thanks for the mention in post of the day. I want as much attention to those posts as possible. Thank you!
Beautiful and splendid skies!
Happy weekend.
I camped for many years in Algonquin Park including Canoe Lake. I've also hiked every trail in the park. The best times of my life...ciao
Wow. Simply stunning, David!
I love your rule for looking all around you. I will remember that.
Exquisite, breathtaking shots as always, David! I'm so glad you take the time to look around! You've surely taught me to do the same whether I'm taking photos or not!
Have a great weekend!
Absolutely stunning. I love it. I find myself looking around all over the place. Although Im no where close to as good a photographer as you are, every day I find myself more aware of things around me.
Amazing pics as always, and maybe I'll write your advice on a piece of tape and put it on my camera. That's a useful tip! Who knows how many good opportunities we can discover! Have a blessed day.
Blue dawns, hot orange sunsets .. we run the gamut ..
simply, he says. David, you continue to blow me away with your eye.
Beautiful pictures but the second one is stunning!
Your photographs are stunning...and something you said in your post grabbed my heart, as well: "Sometimes you have to look away from your main subject to find unexpected beauty."
You've captured beauty..in photo and in words.
Smiles from Jackie
Fantastic photos David ~ Eddie
Yes, a great bit of advice for life in general - looking around. And what fabulous, stunning photos! Thank you for sharing.
Great photos! What type of camera and lense do you use? Is it digital? If not do you develope them yourself??
Fantastic photos for Sky Watch Friday and great suggestion too. It is easy to see one view across the horizon but there are often other things to enjoy there as well.
Know Algonquin Park well, it is in deed a beautiful spot to sit and enjoy all the views of nature.
I truly love the first of your shots today..
Peace, almost like you can touch it.
Fanatastic shots! I simply love both the blue color and the blue mood in them!
sheer tranquility
Nature fascinates us.
Great shots.
Algonquin Park is certainly a great place to keep looking around you. Nice photos! I think you need to come back and take some more. ;-)
That's a gorgeous sunrise, David. I think the whole biz of holding a camera can make a person more aware of what's around. I always enjoy your observations!
one word: WOW (to both)
Fantastic BLUE shots David.
The photos are breath taking!
Incredible work, David.
I love the contrast in the first picture between the stillness of the water and the pier, and the movement in the clouds.
I'll try to remember to look around in future, and not just "point and shoot"
Both shots are gorgeous but in different ways. The piers are peaceful and calming, the sunrise is exciting and energizing. Quite a reward for turning your head!
Both photos are stunning! A look all around you was definitely worthwhile on that day.
Wise advice. Thank you for showing the main focus because my curiosity was killing me, but I think I like the view to the right better. So tranquil. It doesn't even look like the same place.
that top picture is absolutely perfect in my eyes!
Great cool blue shot but I love the clouds in the second one.
You're right about looking everywhere, so easy to miss something. Some people look but just don't see.
OK David -- you did it! You captured the serenity and utter peace of the Muskokas. These shots bring a sense of calm at first gaze. I didn't get to spend any time up North (cottage country) this summer - and I think this just may have been a nice little fix.
David these images are SPECTACULAR! Can I snatch one and use it as my desktop? I can't decide which one I like best...
~Lola xx
This is going to be one of my favorite pictures, David! Absolutely fantastic shot!
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