Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

One of the things that gives me a lot of pleasure is looking beyond what some people consider a "mundane" scene - and finding an arresting image. Everyone feels the urge to photograph a great sunset or a stunning sunrise, but look beyond the obvious and you'll always find something to photograph. As most of you know, one of my cardinal rules is: If you look twice at something, you simply have to photograph it.
The sight of these wooden fork lift pallets near the open gate of a Malvern business was not something the Impressionists would have painted, for sure. But I just thought if I used my long lens and composed a tight frame, it would turn out just right. What do you reckon?
(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)
You have a gift for that. I love this shot. I love the red (it's my favorite color). And think, you may be the only person who ever looked at that stack of pallets and saw THIS.
Intersting composition David. It takes a good eye to see the extraordinary in the ordinary
I would have never thought a stack of pallets could make such an interesting picture. Great shot you captured here.
I find it palatable.
The way you look at a photograph is how i look at people!
And the more we see your photos seeing the art in the mundane, the more the rest of us look for it. Thank you David.
As always, my Monday Odd Shot will appear sometime around midnight my time. Nature provided it for me this time--as ever, on a hike.
You've transformed fork lift pallets into conceptual sculpture. Your cardinal rule might apply to much in life too.
Great shot David, but what if you had been on the top and photographed looking thru the gaps
Hi David, nice photo of the last thing I would have thought of
Your photos always are at the top of the stack!
I agree one can find art or beauty in almost anything. There's a surprise for you over at my place. Come and get it! ;D
Yup, like you said, it turned out just right..
Andy Warhol would be proud of you. Well seen and well shot. I enjoyed losing myself in this for a moment.
Well done and well red odd shot!
It looks like perfect slots to store all my scrapbook paper in!
I usually don't see them red like that.
You definitely have a gift for that. I'm still waiting to see the shot of a bowl of peas (as Maggie May suggested remember?) because I just know it would be different through your camera!
Thanks for the advice. I'll start saving... And yes, I am very interested in an SLR - I miss using my canon (although I can never remember what SLR stands for!). I wonder are they digital yet? The hassle with them was the expense of processing. Yes more cumbersome, but much better quality and control. Also the camera I have at the minute is frustrating - it zooms in on the LCD screen but not in the view finder, making framing shots properly very hard and I end up having to crop. I would prefer to focus more on the skill of photography, rather than editing.
Thanks for your advice David. Much appreciated. I could prob get a camera at £100 - £150 (US $200 - $300) but couldn't budget above that, so if SLRs are way above that - don't waste your blog space! [grin]
I come more and more to believe the old addage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Eye catching visuals as usual.
Hmmm, reminds me of sugar wafers. What an interesting shot!
Peace - D
I like that vivid pattern. What a stunning photo David!
That photo reminds me (strangely) of a building in the eastern part of Louisville—except that the building is pink.
Works well.
Makes me think of cola.
You are right about the mundane. Since I started reading here I've looked at many things differently. Thanks!
Oh yes, I realy like this image!
Love the geometry that you have captured here, and a very striking colour, both leading to a great image.
What a neat post, never think of things like that, around here they use the crates for firewood around a campfire.
You have such a great eye. You see extraordinary in the ordinary. Well done. AGAIN!
I think you're right. Lovely photo here.
I reckon you are so right David. Is it the tight neat stack that draws us in, or the bright red color?
Your photos truly capture me!
What a neat shot! Very odd indeed.
Well done David.
Have a nice week.
Well, I looked twice to find this and finally did but you probably won't see my comment. While I have never taken a photo of pallets themselves, I have photographed many odd things because it is a digital world and if I can't use it, I had fun doing it anyway.
I loved the title you chose for this ODD SHOT! Never saw red crates before either and that makes it all the more tempting to photograph. Well done!
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