This week's interview is with Corey, who writes
the blog Living And Loving Every Minute Of It.
The first of the standard weekly questions: Why do you blog?
I started blogging last spring, after enjoying the process of reading some blogs of a few friends of mine. I got hooked and wanted in on the fun as well. Sometimes I can be a bandwagon jumper like that. My main incentive was to start using my brain in a fashion it hadn't been exercised in for a while. I wanted to convince those ever depleting braincells to STOP shriveling, and to challenge my brain to possibly regain what was lost.
I am a prime example of the "If you don't use it you lose it" theory. I have forgotten more than I will ever know. I figure if I encourage myself to think .... read .... and write creatively, I just might stop the slippery slope to being clueless.
However, once I got going with my blog, I discovered my greatest joy was in sharing my photography. For some odd reason, it is harder to trust that those in your "real life" are being straight with you when it comes to the quality of your photos. It is much easier to take the opinions of strangers who have no reason to blow smoke up your hiney.I still blog for the two previous reasons stated, but now I am very connected to the blogging community and love sharing in the bits and pieces of so many lives. I find it makes ME a better person. Reading ... taking in .... acknowledging our similarities and differences .... helps ME become a more empathetic person, and I believe in the end .... THAT is imperative.
What's the story behind your blog name?
Long ago, I made the decision that it was time to just start concentrating on the positive. Life is too short to feel sorry for yourself. It is up to each individual to make their life what they want it to be. I believe in the power of positive thought. If I choose to be happy ... then I will be happy. I take each day at a time, and try not to worry about whether I have everything I want, just love what I have. Life is good. I am blessed.
What is the best thing about being a blogger?
I love the freedom to be me. I love having a place that I am entitled to just talk about whatever I want, without worrying if it is interesting to others. I can celebrate life without feeling boastful. I can share my photos without feeling like I am pushing it on anyone. I can connect with others that share the same interests as me, but most importantly, I can connect with those that help me to see life from another's perspective. I love it.
What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?
First and foremost, be yourself. If you really truly think of your blog as YOURS, then you will continue to enjoy the process. If you start blogging to please others ... it will quickly lose its lustre. Secondly, go out ... find blogs you enjoy reading. Comment ... don't be afraid to comment. ALL bloggers love to get comments. You can't go wrong with commenting. Some will follow you back to your blog, and some will like what they see, and be back. Put yourself out there. Have fun.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever read?
This is hard ... picking just one. I have so many interests. All sorts of blog post inspire me. I love humorous, informative, photographic, and emotional raw posts. It is all good. I can't chose only one, so I'll put two here: A humorous one from Running With Books. I admire Bellevelma's style of writing. It flows nicely, and always leaves me with a smile. Her love for her son is fierce, and through reading her blog, I have come to have a true sense of who she is. This is the post that got me hooked. It is long .... but so worth it .... Hell On Wheels. Secondly, I'd like to mention the great writings on In The Life Of A Child. Nearly every post touches my heart, and blesses my soul. This is a recent example of Michelle's amazing story telling: Picture Perfect.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever written?
Let's see .... that is hard, as I feel that I have such a mix of posts ... some funny, some serious, and some with photos. I think this one by in large one of my favorite posts I have written. It encompasses so many of the facets of my blog. I do hope you enjoy it. I is for Innocence.
Thank you for this opportunity, David. YOU are awonderful reason to keep on blogging.
Today's Sunday Roast with Corey is the seventh in a weekly series of interviews with bloggers from around the world.
Great - warm, vibrant post that really communicates Corey's enthusiasm for blogging!
Nice work.
Well done David for hosting Corey here!
It was great reading about Corey and her reasons for blogging - found myself agreeing!
I'm so delighted. It was fun to re-read that. I had forgotten what I had said. Can't believe I said "Hiney"...tee hee...oh and the typos....my goodness.
thanks again David. I am so very honored to have been a part of this great series of interviews. thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Thank you for hosting Corey. Been over to hers before and the photography AND stories are both inspiring. Great interview.
Most interesting, Mel.
What a nice interview!
This was a lovely interview. It was nice to hear someone articulate how meaningful a blog can be, and to hear what draws her to others.
Interesting, indeed.
Another great interview post on another great blog!
Corey has a beautiful smile.
I love her perspective on life and on blogging.
She has found joy in both.
I agree with her that blogging is a place of personal freedom.
Nice interview.
Thank you both, David and Corey! :-)
I have loved Corey's blog and her stupendous photography for a long time...great interview!
The Egel Nest
I thoroughly enjoy these weekly interviews, and Corey comes across as an honest, warm fellow blogger who is possibly as addicted to posting as the majority of have become!
I thoroughly enjoy these weekly interviews, and Corey comes across as an honest, warm fellow blogger who is possibly as addicted to posting as the majority of have become!
What a great interview, I'm of to visit Corey! :)
love, love. love my Corey!!!
Thanks once again for an interesting interview and nice to meet Corey!
David, thank you for sharing Corey's post. Her reasons are similar to mine. I have added you both to my favorites and a few others!
I wanted to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. You and Kimmy both inspired me to write my post for today...Sunday!
Great job!
Oh I like Corey...thanks for the introduction
Yay David, I love Corey, she is warm, creative and fabulous and an amazing blogger, and I've come to view her as a friend. She also has a fantastic series of photography workshops that I have found so helpful. Go Corey. :D
An absolutely sterling choice of Subjects for your series. Well done David! Corey is such a lovely person.
Yet another reason to appreciate you.
Yay! I love my dear friend Corey, she was my inspiration to start blogging. She is who she is on her blog, honest, funny, warm and talented. I'm so glad that you are giving other bloggers an opportunity to experience her blog.
I love Corey's blog also!
So glad you included her in your interviews!
Corey definitely sounds like my kind of blogger! I'm heading over there right now!
Corey is a really lovely person. This was a great interview.
Crystal xx
I like this feature. There is a Who, What, When, and Why story behind every blog. Do you ever plan to answer these questions yourself?
Great interview!! Corey is absolutely fabulous!
Thanks for this post David! I just love Corey's blog so it was nice to learn more about her blogging perspective.
btw - you asked me to keep you up to date on my blog #2 Memoirs of a Guppy Fish. I just did a new post about a serious bicycle accident I once had. Don't read if you're squeemish.
Cheers, eh!
Corey is definitely one of my favorite bloggers. She is such a genuine and caring person . . .
What a wonderful interview! It's nice to hear why she started out blogging and to learn more about this blogger whose posts I read religiously!
corey rocks. and not just a little. she rocks a whole lot. way more than say, a good iced chai. that's just gone as soon as you drink it. but i love them. but i don't love them as much as i love corey.
because she rocks.
oh, and david, you rock too. :)
and i wonder if oprah knows she was almost a word verification : opreh. that would be her cousin, who doesn't have a chat show. she might have a chat blog though, i don't know.
Wonderful interview, David! I meant to comment earlier, but got interrupted by life over at my place.
You couldn't have picked a more lovely soul than Corey to interview... her photography is ALMOST as breathtaking as her parenting.
And Corey... such kind words from you about me - high praise indeed from one I hold in the utmost esteem. My hat is off to you My Dear, you are incredible!
Its funny how you can tell so much from someones writing style and also their photography, Corey is such a sweet honest loving person and it comes through in all her mediums. Great interview and my hats off to both of you.
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