Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON
This was just a shot taken at a traffic intersection. I was walking to my car when I looked up and thought, ``Hmmm, interesting shot''. I often get asked: ``What makes a good shot?'' or ``When do you decide to get your camera out?'' To both those questions, I always answer that I photograph anything that catches my attention.
My guess is you really don't need to "get your camera out" as I think it is probably already "out" 99% of the time. And lucky for us too. Another great shot.
Hi Deborah,
Truth be told, I generally have the camera within arm's reach, even if I'm in the car.
During the drive back from Sydney this evening. we had an amazing sunset but I wasn't game to pull over amid the freeway traffic and try taking a shot or two.
So I just kept going - but I tell you, I was gritting my teeth at the missed opportunity!
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