Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Here's A New Blog That's Going Places

This blogger's only been around for a week, but check out iloveclients. The subject matter is something we're all familiar with, while the blogger has a deft touch and an obvious sense of humour. There is a Dali-esque photograph, as well as Donald (who else but Mister Trump) and some wry observations on cache. Read on ....


Fletch said...

Check the URL for "iloveclients". I think you overlooked adding the full path . . .

Fletch said...

I typed in the URL manually and found myself reading the 'cache' post with a great deal of amusement and nodding my head up and down like those little doggy-dolls you used to see in the back of car windows in the 60's (I wonder if they're still around?).

The point I'm making is that my site uses 1800+ template files that lock together seamlessly when everything is running as it should. The software caches the most used files to save wear and tear on the server and to enhance the user's surfing experience by speeding things up by not having to re-draw everything.

When I make a fundamental change to a file, I am expected to clear the cache with a combination of keys that wipes out the cached folders at the server end and rebuilds them again. The times I've forgotten to do this are legion, and it is the first thing my software guys ask when I complain bitterly that a 'fix' hasn't worked.

But 'monkey-see-monkey-do' means I am getting better at it with each upgrade!

david mcmahon said...

Sorry, El Tel,

Will fix that, O Master Of Wisdom And Tutor Of All Universal Truths.

Sorry about the error - especially after all you taught me!


david mcmahon said...


Nice description of the doggy-dolls which I remember so well.

I don;t think you can get any better than you are - and I am grateful for all the e-lessons you have given me across the miles.
