Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Shell Shock

Drivers Scramble To Avoid Highway `Omelet’

Drivers on their way to breakfast in northern Virginia found it all over the road - after nearly 165,000 eggs spilled out of an overturned tractor-trailer (or semi-trailer, as we call them Down Under). ``It looked like a large omelet,'' said Michael Karbonski, of the Department of Transportation. According to Kirotv.com, the thousands of smashed eggs ran into a drainage ditch, where they created ``a river of yellow yolk''. Cold conditions prevented workers from using water to clean up the mess - for fear of freezing the eggs on the bitumen. Instead, the cleaning crew used 115kg of kitty litter to absorb the mess. Police said the driver is missing. Maybe he’s just allergic to eggs.

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