Saturday, February 10, 2007

Parsley, Sage (Rosemary's On Time)

Time To Be Punctual, Says Peru

Peru's government says it's high time Peruvians were on time. Chronic lateness in Peru, as in much of Latin America, is often overlooked as an endearing cultural trait, with weddings, funerals and business meetings rarely starting on time. It's even considered rude to be punctual for a party. But, according to, the government says the time has come to change that attitude. It's announced a campaign to combat lateness, launching March first. Details still have to be worked out, but suggestions include synchronizing watches, ringing church bells and sounding sirens to alert Peruvians of the time. Schools, businesses and government institutions will be urged to end their generations old custom of arriving on ``Peruvian time'' which usually means an hour late.


gs said...

i think we indians also suffer from somewhat of the same malady.and it is more pronounced in the metropolitan cities.mumbai and delhi and now bangalore in of course tries to put the blame on the horrendous traffic and the appalling transport system; but the truth is somewhere in between.vips in particular believe that latecoming is their prerogative. the later you arrive for a function,the more important you are supposed to be.let us also learn some lessons from the peruvians.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Gopal,
Sorry I'm late in replying to your comment. You're spot-on about VIP culture and the erroneous idea that he who arrives last must have the biggest chair. Maybe it's all about ego - or misplaced ego.