Monday, February 26, 2007

Get A Life (Partner)

Judge Jails Man, Presides Over Marriage

With help from a judge, an Illinois man being sentenced to five years in prison also got a life partner. After sentencing David Kite, 23, for stealing a lawnmower, Judge John Baricevic granted Kite's request to marry girlfriend Victoria Smith in the same courtroom. According to, the groom sported an orange jumpsuit, shackles and handcuffs during the five-minute civil ceremony; the bride had on a T-shirt and trackpants. ``If there's any resentment, you'd have to ask the other guy,’’ Baricevic said. ``Judges in all states marry people. Obviously, the situation involved here was not a usual one. It's very unique.’’


Bart said...

Ha ha, that's pretty awesome.

"Honey, I'm gonna be going away for awhile...why not get hitched? You can complain about me being in the pokey to your girlfriends and such."

david mcmahon said...

Hi Bart,

Yep - that' very good.
Obviously, there was a hitch in court!
