Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yesterday, All My Roubles Seemed So Far Away

Skull Sale Not For The Saint-Hearted

There’s another great story on BBC.com today, about how the Russian Orthodox Church is aghast at an attempt to sell a skull and bone allegedly belonging to Saint Philipp. The advertisement for the remains appeared on a Russian website, which describes the relic as "remains of an Orthodox saint, in good condition, with an inscription on the cranium confirming the saint's name". The BBC story said the Church has not said whether it thinks the bone and skull are real, but has described the ad as "immoral". The seller, Boris Georgiev, a retired Soviet Army colonel, told BBC News he was "acting on behalf a friend".
``There was initially no price set for the relic," said Georgiev. "But I suggested to the owner it might sell for at least 1000 euros. This isn't a lot of money - but our web page has been up for 18 months, and we've had very few callers up to now." But after the Church authorities found out about the ad, interest soared.
"My phone has been ringing all day today," Georgiev said. "But I have to disappoint potential bidders: the relic is no longer on sale. This morning, the owner called me to say she'd changed her mind."

FOOTNOTE: Make no bones about it.

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