Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Prose And Cons

Swiss Newspaper Published Fake Gucci Ad

Some people will do anything to get in the newspapers. But reports that few have the audacity of a man in Switzerland, who conned one of the country's biggest media companies into publishing a two-page advertisement he created of himself - posing semi-naked beside a bottle of Gucci perfume. The man asked for the $50,000 bill for the colour spread to be sent to Gucci. Claiming to represent the Italian fashion giant, he called up the Swiss weekly Sonntags Zeitung last week to book the expensive colour spread in Sunday's edition. Christoph Zimmer, a spokesman for the paper, told Associated Press, `` We've spoken to Gucci and apologized for the mistake. We're going to try and get the money back from this guy, but we don't rate our chances.’’

FOOTNOTE: Sounds like the nursery rhyme - Gucci, Gucci, candour.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit I have never heard something like this. I cant believe that someone actually thought of it and managed to pull it off.... Always great to read these stories on your blog David. Regards, Siddharth

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I recall reading a bit more about this at but then again, I could be wrong. But the site’s filled with lots of stuff, great content and weekly comps!


david mcmahon said...

Hi Siddharth,

It's an amazing story. As a newspaper person for almost 30 years, I can see how it would happen - how the ad would slip through the system. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.


david mcmahon said...

Hi Star,

Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the site. I guess there's something there for everyone.

Hope to see you back here.


Unknown said...


The man must have come up with something worth the two page spread too. An for a large newspaper to accept it for publishing, this just means the ad was relatively passing for Gucci standards.

That's something to think of. All in all, I think Gucci wins too with all the media attention.

My suggestion? Play this man's game and actually use the ad. It has been paid for anyway. Somewhere down the road they can make him regret conning them...

Rants from an auto parts Garage

david mcmahon said...

Hi ipodhweels,

You're right, everyone's a winner - except the paper, which probably won't get paid for the ad!
