Monday, July 21, 2008

Stormy Petrol

No Need To Contemplate Running On Empty

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

This was the very first shot I took as we walked out of our hotel in Kuala Lumpur, where we spent four days on our way back after soaking up the beach culture of beautiful Langkawi. We were walking from our hotel to the monorail station when I spotted this sign at a service station - or what most of you would call a gas station.

Wit the skyrocketing price of fuel, I thought this would be perfect for today's theme. I guess the ad hoarding was extolling the virtues of a particular brand of fuel - but it was such an unusual depiction that I simply had to take the shot.

In retrospect, I wish I'd taken a horizontal frame as well, to give you some perspective of size, but from memory this sign was about four metres (about twelve feet) high. The yellow flowers just give the scene a touch of natural beauty and the figure of the attendant was very realistic.

I hope the petrol company gets plenty of mileage (pun unintended) out of its ad campaign. Or maybe they'll just find it hard to gauge.

(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)


Middle Ditch said...

It seems to me that that guy really had to pull hard to get the gauge to full. I can almost see his eyes bulge.

Kat said...

It definitely made me do a double take. And triple. And...

Katney said...

We used to call them service stations, too. Back when you got service there and not just gas.

kostas said...

Really strange but also topical picture!

Unknown said...

Now, that is an odd shot David!

Skyrocketing price of fuel here also. Even though Norway is an oil nation and making it the third-largest exporter of crude oil in the world.
Have a nice week.

Cath said...

Now that is what I call an odd shot! Very unusual. I've done a McMahon trick for mine. ;0)
(Copying is the highest form of flattery remember!)

Sandi McBride said...

When we lived in the UK our neighbor Bubbles had a "Little Man" for everything...a "little man" for her garden, her windows and her deep cleaning...I suppose this would be her "Little Gas Man"...may I have one please?

Carolyn said...

Great Odd Shot. And welcome home!

(And by the way, I just posted a new Photography article... please add your knowledge if you think I've missed something critical!)

Maggie May said...

Very odd shot indeed!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Well yesit is odd and fuuny. The only time you see service with a smile these days anyway.

Anonymous said...

How unusual and very colourful!

CJ xx

Tess Kincaid said...

That's cute!!

Mima said...

It really is a very bizarre sign, you would obviously have to know from something else what brand it was! Great spot.

imac said...

Great odd shot here.

Come and see mine, with David in mind?

alicesg said...

Nice photo. It is scary at the rising price of petrol.